Doctor Archive
got a great crop of apples this year, but lots of them have been
attacked by codling moth. What should I do to prevent it happening
again next year?
moth are a pain - there's nothing worse than biting into a nice
looking apple to find a codling moth caterpillar has beaten you
to it, leaving its dirty brown tunnel leading into the centre of
the fruit. Corrugated cardboard strips wrapped fully around main
branches (with the corrugations facing inwards) can sometimes convince
mature larvae that this is a good place to shelter over winter.
Check the cardboard every couple of weeks and destroy any cocoons.
You can also use grease
bands around trunks and branches during spring to trap emerging
adults as they crawl up the tree. Make them from strips of old material
covered in grease or petroleum jelly. Or buy a pheromone trap, available
from garden centres, to trap the male moths and prevent mating.
Hang them in the trees during late spring and summer.
For really good control,
however, you often have to resort to spraying with products like
Fruit Tree Spray or Carbaryl, starting around late November, before
caterpillars tunnel into the fruit, and continuing until just before
harvest. Follow the label directions carefully, particularly with
regard to withholding periods before eating fruit.
Gardener, Issue 145, 2004, Page 26
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.