Doctor Archive
pumpkins are still green. Should I leave them outdoors or pick them
and try to ripen them indoors?
the plant is still healthy and the leaves in good condition, leave
the pumpkins on the plant as long as possible before harvesting.
But check what variety you're growing, as some remain green even
when ripe.
However, if the plant
has started to die off, pick the fruit, leaving a short length of
stalk still attached. You can eat it straight away or store in a
cool, dry, shaded place where healthy pumpkins should last several
months. Don't try to store damaged or blemished pumpkins, as they
may rot. In any case, it pays to check all stored fruit and vegetables
every couple of weeks or so to remove any that are going soft or
showing signs of rot.
Gardener, Issue 147, 2004, Page 26
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.