Doctor Archive
not so choice
of my Mexican orange blossom shrubs seem to be dying off. The leaves
on some branches are going quite yellow and drooping, while other
shoots seem perfectly fine. Any ideas?
probably caused by lemon tree borer, which can attack a wide range
of trees and shrubs. It's a native insect that got its common name
because of the extensive damage it can cause to most varieties of
citrus. Luckily, Mexican orange blossoms (Choisya ternata)
often recover from attacks by lemon tree borer.
The best thing to do
is prune out dying shoots as close to the ground as possible and
destroy the prunings, either by burning, shredding in a mulcher
or disposal at the organic refuse station. New growth should soon
appear, which will eventually fill the gaps. If necessary, you can
prune the whole plant back hard to within 10- 15cm off the ground.
It will grow away again in spring.
Gardener, Issue 152, 2004, Page 27
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.