Doctor Archive
My anemones
won't flower
PLANTED some Japanese anemones in the garden, probably a good three
years ago. The first year they flowered well, but they have not
done much since. Is there something I have to give them? Other people
do not seem to have much problem.
of flowering in Japanese anemones may simply be due to lack of growth,
which does seem unusual as they generally grow well with minimum
care in most gardens. So whatever you can do to encourage strong
new growth should result in a better show of flowers next autumn.
Try a spring application
of a general fertiliser along with a little lime if the soil is
heavy clay or acidic. Just sprinkle it around so the rain will wash
it in. You could also try lifting a few plants before spring and
divide each into several smaller plants before replanting. If you
have compost or mulch to spare, sprinkle it around generously.
Gardener, Issue 153, 2004, Page 26
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.