Doctor Archive
nettles a curse
have a kiwifruit orchard which has lots of stinging nettles under
the vines. Could you please advise us what we can use to get rid
of them without causing any damage to the vines?
are several herbicides listed as suitable for controlling nettles
in kiwifruit orchards, including Amitrole, Activated Amitrole, Caraguard,
Diuron and Touchdown. The last three are only available to commercial
growers through farm and horticultural suppliers such as Wrightsons
or Veg-Gro Supplies.
I recommend you visit
your local supplier, seek their advice and check out the product
label details before deciding which best suits your conditions.
Some are only recommended for use on mature kiwifruit vines, others
for use only at certain times of the year, and with most you must
avoid getting any spray on kiwifruit foliage or trunks of the vines.
Gardener, Issue 157, 2004, Page 30
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.