Doctor Archive
we moved to a beach property our lilies have been no use at all.
The flower buds aren't at all healthy-looking and the leaves have
turned brown and shrivelled. The lily bulbs were all bought last
year. Do lilies not like being by the sea?
sounds as if your lilies are suffering from damage caused by exposure
to saltladen winds. Try planting them in the most sheltered parts
of your garden away from wind blowing directly off the sea. Most
lilies prefer full sun, but can also do well in light shade, so
perhaps you could try them among shrubs or on the leeward side of
the house. They thrive best in free-draining soil, but if your soil
is very sandy, you could mix in compost or other organic matter
to improve its moistureholding properties. Water them occasionally
in dry periods.
Gardener, Issue 165, 2005, Page 24
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.