Doctor Archive
not fruiting
BOUGHT a loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) two years ago and it
gave me nice fruit in the first year in October. But last October
I didn't get any fruit, just new leaves, and some old leaves turned
yellow and dropped off. Are loquats selfpollinating or do I need
to get another one for good fruiting?
are usually self-pollinating, so a single plant should yield fruit.
Your tree has probably put on lots of new root growth since planting
and the aboveground parts are most likely going through a growth
phase, too, during which few flowers and fruit will be produced.
This may continue for several years, so be patient. I am sure the
tree will eventually settle down and produce fruit.
Loquats do drop some
of their older leaves in early spring, so there's nothing to worry
about there unless whole branches lose all their leaves, in which
case there may be root disease problems.
Gardener, Issue 167, 2005, Page 26
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.