Doctor Archive
shelter belts
just moved on to a small block of land and want plant a shelter
belt along one boundary. A neighbour suggests we plant sheokes,
but we feel they may get too tall and shade the house. We only want
something 5-6m high. Do you have any suggestions?
(Casuarina cunninghamiana) are popular shelter trees in many
areas as they not only grow quickly but make good firewood, have
some nitrogen-fixing properties and stock will also eat them. But
they can grow tall (20-30m) and spread quite wide, so you'd be forever
trimming them to keep them 6m high. And in certain soil conditions
they may sucker.
Take a look around your
area to see what else is being used for shelter and what you like
the look of.
Consider pittosporums,
such as lemonwood, karo or kohuhu, or other native shrubs such as
ngaio (Myoporum laetum) or even pohutukawa, which makes great
shelter for coastal gardens and can be trimmed into a tight hedge.
You could also think about non-running bamboo such as some of the
Bambusa multiplex varieties.
Gardener, Issue 169, 2005, Page 28
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.