Doctor Archive
HAVE two compost bins, both in black plastic, one square and one
round. I compost mostly kitchen waste and have, at times, added
compost maker, a little dirt from pot plants and some grass clippings.
The round bin I have emptied once already and everything had composted
nicely. However, the square one has not composted at all - the waste
is dry and whole. Can I add this dried material to my round bin
or is it best to get rid of it? I do not turn my compost. Is this
a mistake?
sounds as if the material in your square bin has simply been too
dry. For good composting you need a mix of "wet" material which
contains a lot of moisture, such as grass clippings and vegetable
scraps, and "dry" material like leaves and shredded paper. It sounds
as if there was not enough of the former in your bin.
It pays to check your
bin every now and again and poke down into the compost to see how
it's progressing.
Compost should be moist
to the touch. If it's dry, simply stick the hose in and water it.
Make sure the cover is on to prevent it drying out in hot sunny
weather - it's also useful in keeping out too much winter rain,
which can also slow down the composting process.
Yes, you can mix the
material from one bin to the other and there's no problem if you
don't turn your compost, as long as it's working well.
Gardener, Issue 172, 2005, Page 24
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.