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cut the top off a pineapple and it rooted quite quickly in some
potting mix. I usually keep it in a warm, bright conservatory, but
I put it outside over summer in a sheltered area with dappled light,
which suits my other bromeliads. It is no longer thriving. How should
I care for it from now on? I have heard of people who have managed
to get pineapples to fruit in Auckland. What conditions are needed
for this?
prefer more tropical conditions than most of the bromeliads we grow
outdoors here, but with care you can get them to fruit. They need
plenty of sun and excellent drainage as they cannot tolerate wet
roots during cool weather.
I recommend you bring
it back into your conservatory for the winter and always allow the
mix to dry out before watering. If the potting mix you used has
slow-release fertiliser in it, you probably won't need to feed it
again until spring, unless your conservatory is particularly warm
and the plant is growing well.
Next summer, try putting
it back outdoors in a warm, dry, well-lit spot, such as against
a sunny wall. It will take several years to reach fruiting size,
so be patient and remember to go easy on the water.
Gardener, Issue 173, 2005, Page 28
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.