Doctor Archive
are moving house in June and I would like to take my lilies with
me. Will they transplant?
CHECKED with lily expert Margaret Liddell who says, yes, you can
lift and shift your lilies.
Treat them as perennials
and never let the roots dry out. You can either pot them up using
a potting mix that does not contain a wetting agent, or place the
bulbs into trays and cover with wet sphagnum moss or a similar medium
that will keep them moist until they can be replanted.
When digging, it's best
to take the smaller bulbs that are 5cm or less, as they'll establish
and continue to grow when transplanted. The big "daddy" bulb at
the bottom will flower for two years and die.
If, on the other hand,
you just have a large bulb, dig this but take some scales off and
plant these close or beside the large bulb and when your large bulb
collapses the scales would have become bulbs in their own right
and you won't have lost the original lily you purchased.
Gardener, Issue 173, 2005, Page 28
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.