Doctor Archive
mite on roses - 2
HAVE grown roses for nine years. The Rose Society newsletter mentioned
that Ivomec drench is useful in combating spider mite. I have used
this for the past three years but in the last two years the mite
infestation has grown. It is back again on the same roses that were
hit with spider mite in the previous years, plus more roses are
infested. Also infested is my luculia. I have always been very diligent
in spraying my roses every two weeks, with a regime of Gild, Shield
and Guardall being used. I am very diligent in picking up any diseased
leaves and disposing of them in the rubbish, but I seem to be losing
the battle. Could the spider mite be in the soil?
really got me thinking. Why would a product used to control parasites
in farm animals, like cattle and deer, be suggested for controlling
mites on roses? And it sounds from your experience that it's not
very effective anyway.
My advice is to only
use agricultural or horticultural chemical products for the purposes
detailed on the labels. Mites can be difficult to control once they
get established, but they don't live in the soil. They tend to survive
winter as eggs in the bark of trees or in other dry nooks and crannies,
or in mild areas they may continue to feed on weeds or on green
house crops. You often find them on indoor plants all year round,
So, in spring, your roses
are probably being reinfected by mites hatching from eggs laid in
the bark, either of the roses themselves or nearby plants, possibly
fruit trees.
Of the other three sprays
you used only Guardall has much effect on mites. In my experience
the best way to control and prevent mite infestation of roses is
a programme starting in winter.
As soon as you've finished
pruning, give them a thorough spray with a copper fungicide mixed
with spraying oil such as Conqueror or Clear White Oil. Make sure
to drench the woody bark at the base of the stems completely so
the oil smothers the mite eggs and kills them. The copper fungicide
kills off disease spores such as rust. You could apply another spray
a few weeks later if you wish. Then in spring and summer, follow
your two-weekly spray regime using Guardall and Super Shield (not
Other products you could
include are Super Sulphur (which also controls fungal diseases),
Mavrik and Mite Killer, but you need to get good coverage under
the foliage for them to be really effective. Check the labels for
mixing instructions. And you can give your luculia the same treatment.
Mite infestations are
generally worse in hot, dry conditions, so try to keep your roses
watered in summer drought and apply plenty of mulch to conserve
soil moisture.
Gardener, Issue 174, 2005, Page 28
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.