Doctor Archive
'Suva Queen' hibiscus has split into three at ground level. I don't
know how this happened - one day it was fine, the next day it was
like this. It has survived so far for about four weeks. I put a
stake in the ground and tied it to the stake. Will it survive the
winter? Is there anything I can do to help it survive?
'Suva Queen' has at least one other branch coming from below the
break, so it will survive.
I suggest leaving it
tied to the stake over winter then in spring cut the damaged branches
back hard to just below the break. This sounds drastic, but if you
leave the broken ones to grow, supported by the stake, they'd almost
certainly eventually break off completely some time in the future.
'Suva Queen' can be
a little weak in the branch unions and three coming out from around
the same area would have created extra stress, which could be the
reason for the breakage. Heavy rain or strong wind might have been
the last straw.
When you do cut it back,
give it some fertiliser at the same time, to encourage strong growth.
Gardener, Issue 174, 2005, Page 28
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.