Doctor Archive
recently moved house I am renewing my garden. Unfortunately, every
plant, and now my pots, are full of ants. They are all over my roses.
I have tried spraying but to no avail. I am at my wits end. Can
you help?
crawling up the stems of roses and other garden shrubs are usually
a sign that aphids, scale or other sap-sucking pests are present.
Sap suckers excrete sweet honeydew which ants love to feed on and
take back to their nests for their young. If you get rid of the
sap suckers, the ant problem on the plants should also disappear.
There are lots of effective
products you could use to control sap-suckers on roses, such as
Nature's Way Insect Spray, Confidor, or any of the pyrethrum-based
insecticides like Garlic & Pyrethrum.
Once they make their
homes in potting mix, ants can be a little harder to get rid of.
Bear in mind they only move in if it's relatively warm and dry,
so more regular watering might be enough to make them pack up and
go elsewhere.
If that doesn't work,
watering a solution of pyrethrum insecticide into the mix should
do the trick. Or, if it's practicable, you could repot your plants
into fresh mix.
As a last resort, sprinkle
a small amount of diazinon granules (available as Soil Insect Killer
or Lawnguard Prills) on to the surface of the mix and water in -
but be aware, the potting mix and water draining from the pot will
be contaminated for perhaps 2-3 weeks until the insecticide breaks
Gardener, Issue 179, 2005, Page 30
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.