Doctor Archive
HAVE trouble with stem grubs invading my biennial lavateras. Have
you any suggestions for controlling this? It causes dieback, which
spoils the look of the shrub.
probably the larvae of a moth that's getting into the older stems.
Perennial expert Terry
Hatch of Joy Plants recommends cutting them back hard in late winter
and feeding them with a general fertiliser to encourage strong new
growth which is less likely to be affected.
Most lavateras tend to
weaken as they get older, which leaves them more prone to attack,
so it's a good idea to replant them every few years. You can take
cuttings in early summer from strong new shoots - they root quite
readily - and have a ready supply of fresh new replacements.
Gardener, Issue 179, 2005, Page 30
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.