Doctor Archive
HAVE some suckering bamboo to cut back. Would I be able to chip
it to use as mulch or would it be too splintery and dangerous to
use as a ground cover?
mulcher/chippers can chop up thin green bamboo shoots of up to around
finger thickness and make good mulch from it. But don't try putting
the thicker shoots of old, dry, woody canes in the mulcher, as they
can be extremely brittle and likely to split into sharp slivers.
Unfortunately, cut bamboo
can be hard to dispose of - the stems don't break down in a compost
heap very well and if you burn them, air trapped between the nodes
can explode like gunfire, sending sparks flying everywhere.
However, most council
refuse stations have a spot where you can dispose of bamboo along
with other difficult-to-deal-with plant material, like flax and
cabbage tree leaves.
On the other hand, if
the canes are thick enough, you could use them for plant supports
around the garden or make your own Japanese-style fence.
Gardener, Issue 180, 2005, Page 32
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.