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Retarding grass growth

IS there a growth retardant spray suitable for grass growing around native trees and fruit tree seedlings?


WHILE there are a few growth retardants used in commercial horticulture for a variety of crops, I know of none widely available for retarding grass growth and, if there were, applying them around young seedlings could be risky.

One of the best ways to suppress grass growth in this situation is to cover it with mulch. You could use compost, sawdust, wood chips or the likes, perhaps with a layer of newspaper first on top of the grass. Or, if practicable, mow with a weedeater or lawn mower, or use a weedkiller to knock the grass down, but make sure to avoid getting spray on the native trees and seedlings. You can make a useful shield by cutting the bottom from a large soft drink bottle, so the bottle fits over the seedling to protect it from spray.

Weekend Gardener, Issue 184, 2005, Page 33

Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.

Andrew Maloy Weekend Gardener

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