Doctor Archive
HAVE a Norfolk pine which was 80cm tall when sheep nibbled its top
off. Nothing happened for a while, but then it started growing like
mad and now has two tips. They have already grown about 15cm and
are starting to develop the next layer of branches. Should I cut
off one of the tips or should I leave it alone?
you do nothing it's quite likely one of the stems will become stronger
than the other and will eventually dominate and take over the role
as the main trunk. However, you do sometimes see Norfolk pines with
more than one main stem, so if you want to make sure it grows with
a single, straight trunk, cut off one of the shoots and, for the
next year or two, remove any further growths that appear from around
the cut area.
I hope you've allowed
plenty of space for it to grow - Norfolk pines are huge!
Gardener, Issue 191, 2005, Page 29
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.