Doctor Archive
on orchids
orchids are infested with small white scale with a black centre,
no bigger than 3mm. Can you tell me what it is and how to get rid
of it?
are many different types of scale and it's often difficult to identify
individual types. Luckily, they are relatively easy to control with
oil sprays like Conqueror, Clear White Oil and Eco Oil.
To avoid damage to blooms,
don't spray during flowering. You'll probably have to apply several
sprays over a period of time to get full control and then again
once or twice a year to keep them from becoming reinfested. A spray
early in spring is good at preventing problems later.
Make sure you thoroughly
cover both surfaces of the leaves and the pseudobulbs so the oil
solution can do its job of smothering the scale. A few weeks will
probably pass before the dead scales drop off, so don't despair
if it seems nothing is happening for a while.
Systemic insecticides
like Target and Confidor will also do the trick - follow the label
Gardener, Issue 193, 2005, Page 29
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.