Doctor Archive
and conifers
HAVE two kiwifruit vines that flower but don't fruit. Any suggestions?
And what should you feed conifers? I've given mine a drink of Thrive
poured over the foliage.
don't need much in the way of extra fertiliser as they have low
nutrient requirements and can generally draw all they need from
the soil. The Thrive possibly won't have much effect, as I doubt
if conifers absorb much moisture through their foliage.
Mulching over the roots
to conserve moisture during summer drought will be beneficial as
it can get very dry in your neck of the woods. You could give the
soil around them a light dressing of a general fertiliser in early
spring, but once well established in the garden, conifers should
be able to fend for themselves, nutrient-wise.
Kiwifruit vines are either
male or female and the flowers on a female vine have to be fertilised
with pollen from a male vine for fruit to form. Commercial kiwifruit
growers plant one male for every 10 or so female vines to ensure
fruit set. So the lack of fruit on your two vines could be because
they are both females and perhaps there's no male vine nearby. It's
possible, but unlikely that they're both males. Or if both sexes
are represented, it may be there are no bees around during flowering.
Even if there are, bees aren't very enthusiastic about visiting
kiwifruit flowers as they don't produce a lot of nectar. If there's
an easier nectar source nearby, they may ignore the kiwifruit completely,
which is why commercial kiwifruit growers place lots of beehives
among their flowering vines to maximise pollination.
Other factors such as
lack of water or poor weather during flowering can reduce fruiting,
but they usually only result in low yields rather than no fruit
at all.
Gardener, Issue 194, 2005, Page 18
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.