Doctor Archive
on beans
Scarlet Runner beans haven't done well this year. They grew and
flowered well, but produced very few beans and the ones that did
grow were misshapen and small. I fed them with compost, lime and
Nitrophoska. There were a lot of passion vine hoppers around earlier,
so I sprayed the beans with Neem oil a couple of times. Can you
offer any help?
sounds as if the passion vine hoppers are part of the problem. Both
the fluffy nymphs and the adults are sap suckers, feeding on leaves,
stems and fruits. The damage they cause feeding on immature beans
could result them being small and deformed.
You'd need to spray quite
often with Neem to control them, making sure you actually hit the
passion vine hoppers with the spray for best effect, which can be
difficult as they hop off the plant when disturbed.
Less common, but sometimes
a tricky problem, is the damage caused by some bumble bees. Being
too large to enter the flower through the opening in the front,
they cheat by chewing a hole at the rear of the flower to get to
the nectar. With the nectar gone, smaller bees and other insects
aren't interested, so the flower misses out on pollination and no
bean forms.
Also, at the height of
summer, very high temperatures and humidity can have a negative
effect on bean formation, but once the weather cools down, it comes
right again. Make sure you keep them well watered.
Gardener, Issue 195, 2006, Page 29
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.