Doctor Archive
onion weed
can you tell me what I can spray to kill off onion weed? They are
only small now, as I have been digging them up for months, but I
just can't get rid of them.
found Amitrole most effective for onion weed. It's best to spray
when the weeds are in full leaf for good control, which means you
need to curb your desire to dig them out, leaving them to grow quite
large and leafy before spraying. This is so there is maximum foliage
to absorb enough weedkiller to kill off the bulbs. If you spray
too soon you may just kill the leaves but not harm the bulbs. Even
then you will probably still get some regrowth next season from
a few bulbs that didn't die off, which will need to be treated again.
Make sure you mix the
spray according to the label recommendations, including the addition
of a "wetting agent" such as Sprayfix for a better kill rate.
Don't panic if nothing
seems to happen for a while, as Amitrole works quite slowly and
it might even be next season before you realise your onion weed
problem has greatly diminished.
Gardener, Issue 197, 2006, Page 29
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.