Doctor Archive
No seeds
on sunflower
year I grew a solitary tall sunflower, thinking that I would feed
the seeds to my parrot and was disappointed to find that the seeds,
although looking perfectly normal (big and fat), had nothing inside
the husks. Why do you think this happened? The previous year my
six sunflowers plants had seeds inside the husks. My friend's one
sunflower was the same as mine this year. I am anxious to grow sunflower
seed again next year as the pet shop ran out of New Zealand seed
for a few months, and the only sunflower seed available was from
Australia and heat-treated - not a good idea for an expensive bird.
sounds like the variety of sunflower you grew this year was a sterile
hybrid. The huge flower that we call a sunflower is actually an
inflorescence made up of thousands of small individual flowers combined
together. Over the years plant breeders have created lots of hybrid
sunflowers with improved characteristics, such as disease resistance,
dwarf growth habit, stronger stems, larger petals and yellow, orange
and red petals. Some are also pollen-free, so they don't cause hay
fever problems or messy pollen dropping off when used in flower
However, one of the disadvantages
of being pollen free is if you grow them on their own, or if they
don't get fertilised by a pollenbearing variety, they won't set
viable seed. I checked with John from the Egmont Seed Company, who
has a range of sunflower varieties available, and he suggests 'Giant
Russian' (McGregor's brand) and 'Skyscraper' (Carnival brand) as
two of the best for reliable production of large seeds which are
ideal for parrots.
Gardener, Issue 199, 2006, Page 29
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.