Doctor Archive
on hippeastrum
you please tell me what is wrong with my hippeastrum 'Razzmatazz'?
It's been growing in the garden in a sheltered sunny position, but
the leaves all end up with ugly brown spots on them. Would it be
better for me to grow it in a pot?
CHECKED with Paul Hoek of Aorangi Bulb Nurseries and he suggests
the most likely culprit is the fungal disease Stagonospora,
commonly known as leaf scorch. The form of this disease that affects
hippeastrum can also cause leaf spots on daffodils and other related
bulbs. Apart from the obvious damage to the foliage, it can also
affect the bulb causing weak growth and poor flowering.
If your 'Razzmatazz'
flowers reliably each year and the only problem is leaf scorch then
I wouldn't transfer it to a pot as it sounds as if you already have
it in quite a good spot. None of the fungicides commonly available
in garden centres claim to control leaf scorch, but I'd try using
one of the broad spectrum types such as Bravo, Greenguard or Fungus
& Mildew Spray which should give some protection. Apply a spray
soon after the foliage comes through and before any leaf scorch
symptoms appear, then again at intervals of 2-3 weeks for a while.
The protectant properties of the spray may be enough to prevent
damage, and keeping the plant clean for a season may help break
the disease cycle.
Gardener, Issue 201, 2006, Page 31
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.