Doctor Archive
and Agapanthus
can I get rid of buttercup, which is invading my garden? I tried
Roundup, but it has killed off other plants. And what's the best
way to get rid of agapanthus. Roundup made them go all gooey and
are several different types of buttercups, most of which you can
effectively control with glyphosatebased weedkillers such as Roundup.
But, of course, glyphosate will damage almost any plant whose leaves
it comes in contact with, so you need to be very careful when applying
it to only get it on the target weeds.
To get rid of buttercups
in lawns you can use selective weedkillers, like Turfix and Woody
Weedkiller, which kill broadleaf weeds but don't affect grasses.
Elsewhere in the garden careful spot applications of Escort or one
of the many glyphosate brands, such as Roundup, Zero, Glypho 360
and Weedmaster Blue, should do the trick.
With agapanthus, you
can do what I've been doing in my garden - simply digging them out.
Fortunately for me, though, the clumps I'm attacking are growing
in dry, semishade, so they're relatively weak-rooted and easy to
dig up. Agapanthus in full sun can become an impenetrable clump,
resistant to the assault of almost anything less than a small bulldozer.
In this case you have to resort to an effective weedkiller and,
as you have found, glyphosate on its own has little effect on agapanthus.
Quite a lot of research
has gone into finding an efficient way of dealing to agapanthus
and one of the latest articles I read recommends a spray consisting
of 4g Escort plus 200ml glyphosate and 10ml penetrant (such as Pulse
or Sprayfix) in 10 litres of water. They also suggest bruising the
leaves before spraying to encourage more active uptake. Alternatively,
you can cut the leaves off close to the ground and treat the fresh
stumps with a mix of 1g Escort plus 50ml glyphosate and 2ml penetrant
in one litre of water, or apply Vigilant gel. You'll probably need
to apply three to four follow-up treatments completely get rid of
the agapanthus problem.
Gardener, Issue 203, 2006, Page 31
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.