Doctor Archive
so perfect pansies
my pansies end up with the same problem. I buy them from the nurseries
and, after planting out, they look healthy and flower, but then
the leaves turn yellow. When you touch the plant it falls over as
it has no roots. My friends have experienced the same problem. Polyanthus,
cyclamen and dianthus growing nearby don't seem to be affected.
are a range of beetles and weevils, including grass grub, black
vine weevil and wireworm, whose larvae feed on the roots of a wide
range of plants and it can be difficult to identify exactly which
one is causing the problem. Search through the soil for grubs -
you may find some of the culprits. They can be 5-10mm long, some
have legs others don't and their colour can vary from creamy white
to brown, sometimes with dark heads. They might be in the potting
mix when you buy the plants, but shouldn't be. They may also simply
be in a restricted patch of your garden.
Vigorous cultivation
of the area before planting can kill off many of the grubs already
in the soil. It simply crushes them. Check the roots of the plants
you buy carefully before planting to make sure they are not already
infested and if you do find some larvae, or if the root system looks
weak, take the plants back to the garden centre. You could also
try using the granular form of the insecticide diazinon, available
as Soil Insect Killer or No Insects Lawngard Prills. Follow the
label instructions and take particular care not to use these products
around any food crops, other than carrots and parsnips for the control
of carrot rust fly larvae.
Gardener, Issue 203, 2006, Page 31
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.