Institute News

Conference 2003
Greening the City:
Bringing Biodiversity Back
into the Urban Environment


Developing a Greening Strategy - a Community Effort in Partnership with a City Council

Adrienne (Adie) Leng (Environment Network Manawatu)

Greening Palmerston North, protecting the City's ecological areas, and improving the associated amenity values and recreational use of these natural areas have been key issues raised by the Community of Palmerston North.

The need for a Greening Strategy for the City of Palmerston North emerged from the community network of environmental groups (Environment Network Manawatu or ENM), which identified the lack of an over-arching strategy to provide direction, co-ordination, and support for the range of activities already happening that contribute to greening the City and biodiversity.

The Palmerston North City Council and Environment Network Manawatu agreed to develop the "Greening Strategy" in a partnership approach. It was completed over a time period of two years and involved a broad brush Ecological Assessment, open days and workshops with private landowners of ecological areas, as well as workshops with Community groups and individuals interested in "greening" the City.

The Greening Strategy is a non-regulatory approach to addressing biodiversity issues in the Palmerston North City area and while biodiversity is seen as the main focus for the Strategy it also recognizes that recreation and amenity objectives also contribute to greening the City and needed to be encompassed in this strategy. Both the City Council and ENM have agreed to a range of actions that they will be responsible for and will report on each year.  This partnership will increase capacity and effectiveness. The strategy will be an incentive for the City Council to develop smarter practices for the environment to increase biodiversity and by the community to be more involved in enhancing green spaces.

Conference sponsored by:

British Council NZ
The Community Trust
Landcare Research

Follow this link to view other organisations supportive of the conference

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Last updated: July 4, 2003