Conference 2003

Conference 2003
Greening the City:
Bringing Biodiversity Back
into the Urban Environment


Gully Restoration in Hamilton

  1. Restoring Hamilton's Private Gullies
    Liz Hallsworth (Sustainable Environment Team, Hamilton City Council)

    The Gully Restoration Programme is a partnership between Hamilton City Council's Sustainable Environment Team and the community. The aim of this popular programme is to raise an awareness and appreciation of Hamilton's gully systems, and to actively promote and enable the physical restoration of this resource.

    The Restoration Programme has started a unique project called The Plants for Gullies Scheme.  It has been established by Hamilton City Council as part of the Gully Restoration Programme. It will assist people restoring their gully properties by making eco-sourced native plants available. Delivered in conjunction with "Eco-sourced Waikato", the scheme encourages the ongoing supply of eco-sourced plants for Hamilton's gullies.

    The Plants for Gullies Scheme has supplied over 1000 free eco-sourced native plants to assist local restorations so far and has had a hugely positive response.

  2. Hamilton City's Community Planting Programme
    Gerard Kelly (Parks and Gardens Unit, Hamilton City Council)

    Hamilton City Council Parks and Gardens Unit has been working with Community Groups for the past 10 years. Due to interest and demand a part- time position for a community planting co-ordinator was created 8 years ago. Some of the projects include planting remnant native areas, e.g., a remnant Kahikatea (Dacrycarpus dacrydioides) stand at Jubilee Bush and a Swamp Maire (Syzygium maire) stand at Hammond Bush, gully areas and undeveloped areas and of the parks with ecologically sourced native plants grown at the Council's nursery.  The emphasis on these plantings in recent years has been to restore the gully areas of the parks working in conjunction with local residents that are engaged in their own restoration developments. The planting days incorporate a measure of education and practical advice to encourage and enthuse the community to adopt and undertake ownership of the areas they plant. Groups range from informal interested local residents, businesses, schools, and clubs, e.g., Rotary, Mountain Biking, Equestrian, sports, and local Tree Trust members.

    The poster display is an example of one means of promotion that the programme utilises to inform and encourage participation from the community.

  3. Step by Step Guide to Community Planting Projects
    Gerard Kelly (Parks and Gardens Unit, Hamilton City Council)

    Based on experience with community and private plantings a step-by-step guide has been developed to achieve a successful community planting project. This process requires investigation and looking at the long-term aims of projects. A sense of ownership and ongoing commitment is realised that if a planned approach is adopted then continued support can be gained and successes measured to achieve long-term goals, e.g., an ecological gully restoration.

(for more information, see

Conference sponsored by:

British Council NZ
The Community Trust
Landcare Research

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