Conference 2003

Conference 2003
Greening the City:
Bringing Biodiversity Back
into the Urban Environment


A Biodiversity Strategy for Christchurch

Jenny Ridgen, Kelvin McMillan & Kelly Hansen (Biodiversity Strategy Team, Christchurch City Council)

Despite a century and a half of urban development, Christchurch contains a wide variety of plants and animal life.  This is partly a reflection of its location, encompassing the Port Hills, coast, waterways, wetlands, dry woodlands and grasslands.

To meet the challenge to protect, restore and celebrate the city's biodiversity, the City Council has set out on the process of determining the priorities for Christchurch.  This includes looking at how to implement the New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy (DoC & MfE, 2000) at a local level through community education and involvement, developing a sense of place, and identifying gaps in our knowledge and management skills and finding ways to address them.  Workshops have been held with local communities and with key stakeholders and from these a series of goals and objectives have been developed.  The draft strategy will include a list of actions for implementing these.  It will also provide a brief overview of the components that make up the city's biodiversity, including estimates of between 2,500 and 4,500 endemic insect species and 350 endemic plant species.  The strategy will provide a graphical outline of the main initiatives proposed for each of the four main ecosystems within the city boundaries, e.g., revegetation of Port Hill gullies, waterway restoration on the wet plains, sustainable management of the dry grasslands and revegetation projects along the coast.

The strategy aims to provide an overview of the work that is needed and practical ways in which the whole community can work together to sustain the full range of species and habitats which are special to Christchurch.

Conference sponsored by:

British Council NZ
The Community Trust
Landcare Research

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