Conference 2003

Conference 2003
Greening the City:
Bringing Biodiversity Back
into the Urban Environment


Restoration Planting Organised by Naturally Native for the Tauranga District Council, Especially the Matua Salt Marsh Stormwater Ponds

Mark Dean (Naturally Native New Zealand Plants Ltd, Tauranga)

Naturally Native New Zealand Plants Ltd has been involved in the restoration of natural environments and wetlands in a number of areas including Tauranga City, where the development of the Matua Saltmarsh storm water retention ponds has proved successful. Planting of wetland species has produced better than expected results within one year. The lessons that have been learned from this and other projects are examined. The concept of planting for natural regeneration is discussed including those species that achieve the initial results and then provide the environment that facilitates the natural regeneration of a wide range of other naturally occurring species. Problems that were encountered are outlined and some possible solutions for similar situations are suggested.

Conference sponsored by:

British Council NZ
The Community Trust
Landcare Research

Follow this link to view other organisations supportive of the conference

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