Conference 2003
Greening the City:
Bringing Biodiversity Back
into the Urban Environment
in the City: Ambassadors for Invertebrate Biodiversity
Pawson (University of Canterbury, Forest Research) and Lisa Berndt
(Forest Research)
The monarch butterfly
(Danaus plexippus) is a quintessential part of the New Zealand
urban summer, as it is in many parts of the world. The monarch was
first observed in New Zealand in the 1870s. Monarchs rely on milkweeds
(Family: Asclepiadaceae), which are not native to New Zealand, but
often cultivated by home gardeners. As such, throughout their range
monarchs are one of the most common butterflies seen by the general
public. Monarch butterflies are known to overwinter in New Zealand
in large clusters in areas where the average winter temperature
drops below 10°C. Little is known about monarch overwintering behaviour
in New Zealand, so the authors were keen to find out more. A small
article in the Christchurch provincial newspaper (31st
May, 2003, The Press) elicited a huge response. Over 100 reports
of monarch clustering behaviour came in via phone and email, and
at present over 40 possible overwintering sites have been recorded
in Christchurch alone. Public interest was such that five other
articles were published in various media including newspapers, local
television and web sites.
The main aim of this
project is to use the high-profile monarch butterfly to enhance
public awareness and appreciation for invertebrate biodiversity
in the Christchurch region. Christchurch has several rare endemic
species, however it is difficult to get local council support for
projects given the current lack of public interest in invertebrates.
Short-term objectives include the production of a leaflet providing
information on monarch butterfly biology and phenology as well as
directions on where to find the best overwintering sites in the
city. Mid-term objectives centre on finding funds for a student
project to undertake basic research on the overwintering behaviour
and migration of monarchs within the city.
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