Conference 2003

Conference 2003
Greening the City:
Bringing Biodiversity Back
into the Urban Environment


Community Involvement and Ecological Research for Enhancing New Zealand Native Pigeon (Kererü) on Banks Peninsula

Takerei Norton (Kaupapa Taiao, Te Rünanga o Ngäi Tahu)

The kererü is New Zealand's only native endemic pigeon. It plays a key role in the restoration of native forests by distributing seeds of native trees. Banks Peninsula was once known for its abundance of kererü, a taonga (treasure) of the indigenous people, Ngäi Tahu.

Today, far fewer kereru exist, and only in fragmented remnants of native forest.  Kaupapa Kererü is an initiative to restore kererü communities in and around Banks Peninsula, and is powered by representatives of Ngäi Tahu, the Department of Conservation, Landcare Research, and Lincoln University. The initiative has a two-pronged approach, work is being done with local communities to raise awareness and support the restoration of kererü populations.  Ecological research is also being undertaken to elucidate information as a basis for improving habitat.  Recent advances have included the development of a calendar, containing kererü illustrations by local school children, information on kereru biology, and survey forms to allow local people to report their kererü observations.  On Banks Peninsula there is a mosaic of rural, urban and regenerating forest habitats.

We are researching data on food plant species that are used by kereru, their relative importance, and seasonal patterns of usage. We are also gathering data on kereru movement between habitats, and on predator impacts at representative sites on Banks Peninsula.

Conference sponsored by:

British Council NZ
The Community Trust
Landcare Research

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