Conference 2003

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Conference 2003
Greening the City:
Bringing Biodiversity Back
into the Urban Environment

Main Conference Page | Programme, Abstracts, PDFs, PowerPoints | Field Trip Images | Venue
Books on Biodiversity, Conservation and the Environment

Books and Papers on Biodiversity, Conservation and the Environment

New Zealand Biodiversity, Conservation and the Environment

Assessing New Zealand's Marine Biological Diversity — a challenge for Policy Makers and Systematists

W. A. Nelson & D. P. Gordon

New Zealand Science Review 54: 3-4


Biodiversity and Maori — Te Ara o te Ao Turoa

Te Puni Kokiri

Te Puni Kokiri, Wellington, N.Z.



Human influence on the terrestrial biota and biotic communities of New Zealand

I. A. E. Atkinson & E. K. Cameron

Trends in Ecology and Evolution 8: 447-451


Moa's Ark: The voyage of New Zealand

D. Bellamy, B. Springett & P. Hayden

Viking, Auckland, N.Z.
1990, 231pp, hardback
ISBN 0670830984

$49.95, available from Touchwood Books


Moas, mammals and climate in the Ecological history of New Zealand

Edited by M. R. Rudge

New Zealand Journal of Ecology 12 (supplement)


Nga Uruora: The Groves of Life. Ecology and History in a New Zealand Landscape

G. N. Park

Victoria University Press, Wellington, N.Z.
1995, 400pp, 24 colour photographs, softback
ISBN 0864732910


Plant Materials Handbook For Soil Conservation

C. W. S. Van Kraayenord & R. L. Hathaway

Wellington Soil Conservation Centre, Aokautere, N.Z.
B&W and colour illustrations, softback

Volume 1. Principles and Practices, 295pp.
Volume 2: Introduced Plants, 298pp.
Volume 3: Native Plants, 299pp.

Vol. 1 out of print, but others available from Touchwood Books


The Handbook of New Zealand Mammals

Edited by C. M. King

Oxford University Press, Auckland, N.Z.
1995, 600 pp, text illustrations and maps,
ISBN 0195583205


The Penguin Natural World of New Zealand. 2nd ed.
An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Our Natural Heritage

G. Hutching

Penguin Books (N.Z.) Ltd.
2004, first published 1998, 400pp, softback
ISBN 0143019252

$39.95, available from Touchwood Books


Toward Optimal Environmental Policy: The Case of Biodiversity Conservation

N. Gunningham & M. D. Young

Ecology Law Quarterly 24: 243-298

Revegetation and Restoration in New Zealand

Native Forest Restoration — a Practical Guide for Landowners

T. Porteous

Queen Elizabeth the Second National Trust, Wellington, N.Z.
1993, 184pp, B&W and colour photos and illustrations, softback, spiral bound
ISBN 0908671466

Out of print, but may be available second-hand from Touchwood Books

Native Forest Restoration -- a Practical Guide for Landowners
Protecting and Restoring our Natural Heritage: a Practical Guide

M. Davis & C. Meurk

Department of Conservation, Christchurch, N.Z.
2001, 94pp, B&W photos and illustrations, softback, spiral bound
ISBN 0478221207

Protecting and Restoring our Natural Heritage: a Practical Guide
Conference and Workshop Proceedings

Biodiversity: papers from a seminar series on biodiversity, hosted by Science and Research Division, Department of Conservation, Wellington, 14 June-26 July 1994

Compiled by B. McFadgen & P. R. Simpson

1996, 181pp


Biodiversity Now. Selected papers from joint societies' conference, Wellington, July 1997

Edited by P. M. Blaschke & K. Green

Department of Conservation, Wellington, N.Z.

Conservation and the Sustainable use of New Zealand Flora: on Non-conservation Land. Proceedings of a Workshop held at Flock Hill, Canterbury. 6/7 March 2001

Edited and compiled by R. Cullen, K. Hughey, K. Booth, K. Crawford, W. Allen & M. Kilvington

Isaac Centre for Nature Conservation, Lincoln University, N.Z.
2001, 64pp, softback

Available from Lincoln University

Conservation and the Sustainable use of New Zealand Flora

Ecological Restoration of New Zealand Islands. Conservation Sciences Publication No. 2. Papers Presented at Conference on Ecological Restoration of New Zealand Islands, University of Auckland, 20-24 November 1989, Auckland, New Zealand

Edited by D. R. Towns, C. H. Daugherty & I. A. E. Atkinson

Department of Conservation, Wellington, N.Z.
1990, 320pp, B&W illustrations, softback
ISBN 0478012047

Ecological Restoration of New Zealand Islands

People, Plants & Conservation
Botanic Gardens into the 21st Century
Proceedings Royal NZ Institute of Horticulture Annual Conference, Wellington, March 1992

Edited by P. Froggatt & M. Oates

Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture
1993, softcover

$19.95, available from Touchwood Books

People, Plants & Conservation
Proceedings of a Workshop on Scientific Issues in Ecological Restoration. Held at Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research, Ilam, Christchurch. 22-23 February 1995. Landcare Research Science Series No. 14

Compiled by M. C. Smale & C. D. Meurk

Manaaki Whenua Press, Lincoln, Canterbury, N.Z.
1997, 79pp, colour photos, softback
ISBN 047804545X


Proceedings of a Workshop on Scientific Issues in Ecological Restoration

Urban Biodiversity and Ecology as a Basis for Holistic Planning and Design. Proceedings of a workshop held at Lincoln University 28-29 October 2000. Lincoln University International Centre for Nature Conservation Publication Number 1

Edited by G. H. Stewart & M. E. Ignatieva

Wickliffe Press Ltd., Christchurch, N.Z.
111pp, B&W photos, softback
ISBN 0864761368

Available from Lincoln University

Urban Biodiversity and Ecology as a Basis for Holistic Planning and Design
New Zealand Departmental Reports

Bio-What? Addressing the Effects of Private Land Management on Indigenous Biodiversity

Preliminary Report of the Ministerial Advisory Committee

Ministry for the Environment, Wellington, N.Z.
2000, 95pp, softback
ISBN 0478090714


Environment 2010 Strategy. A Statement of the Government's Strategy on the Environment

Ministry for the Environment

Ministry for the Environment, Wellington, N.Z.

Facilitating Community-based Conservation Initiatives. Science for Conservation 169

V. Forgie, P. Horsley & J. Johnston

Department of Conservation, Wellington, N.Z.
2001, 76pp, softback
ISBN 0478220219

Available as a PDF from the Department of Conservation website at

Facilitating Community-based Conservation Initiatives

Maori customary use of native birds, plants and other traditional materials: Interim report and discussion paper

New Zealand Conservation Authority

New Zealand Conservation Authority, Wellington, N.Z.

See also the New Zealand Ecological Society submission in the New Zealand Journal of Ecology (1995) 19 (1): 77-82, available as a PDF at


Restoring the Dawn Chorus

Department of Conservation

Department of Conservation, Wellington, N.Z.


The New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy

Department of Conservation and Ministry for the Environment

Department of Conservation and Ministry for the Environment, Wellington, N.Z.
2000, 144pp
ISBN 0478219199

Available at

The New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy

The State of New Zealand's Environment

Ministry for the Environment

Ministry for the Environment, Wellington, N.Z.

Available at

Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment
Boggy Patch or Ecological Heritage? Valuing Wetlands in Tasman

Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment

Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Wellington, N.Z.
2002, 66pp, B&W and colour illustrations, softback
ISBN 1877274011

Available from

Boggy Patch or Ecological Heritage? Valuing Wetlands in Tasman

Creating Our Future: Sustainable Development for New Zealand

Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment

Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Wellington, N.Z.
2002, 182pp, B&W and colour illustrations, softback
ISBN 1877274038

Available from

Creating Our Future: Sustainable Development for New Zealand

Creating Our Future: Sustainable Development for New Zealand. Summary of Findings

Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment

Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Wellington, N.Z.
Undated, 12pp, softback

Available from

Creating Our Future: Sustainable Development for New Zealand. Summary of Findings

Managing Change in Paradise: Sustainable Development in Peri-urban Areas

Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment

Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Wellington, N.Z.
2001, 127pp, B&W illustrations, softback
ISBN 1877274003

Available from

Managing Change in Paradise: Sustainable Development in Peri-urban Areas
Showing the Way: Curitiba: Citizen City

Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment

Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Wellington, N.Z.
2002, 30pp, colour illustrations, softback
ISBN 1877274062

Available from

Showing the Way: Curitiba: Citizen City

Superb or Suburb? International Case Studies in Management of Icon Landscapes

Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment

Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Wellington, N.Z.
2003, 74pp, B&W illustrations, softback
ISBN 1877274070

Available from

Superb or Suburb? International Case Studies in Management of Icon Landscapes
The Cities and their People: New Zealand's Urban Environment

Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment

Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Wellington, N.Z.
1998, 89pp, softback
ISBN 0908804822

Available from

The Cities and their People: New Zealand's Urban Environment

The Management of Suburban Amenity Values. Administration by Auckland, Christchurch and Waitakere City Councils

Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment

Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Wellington, N.Z.
1997, 88pp & appendices, softback
ISBN 0908804725

Available from

The Management of Suburban Amenity Values. Administration by Auckland, Christchurch and Waitakere City Councils
The Management of Urban Vegetation in North Shore City

Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment

Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Wellington, N.Z.
1998, 102pp and appendices, softback
ISBN 0908804784

The Management of Urban Vegetation in North Shore City

Weaving Resilience into our Working Lands: Future Roles for Native Plants on Private Land

Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment

Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Wellington, N.Z.
2001, 90pp, softback
ISBN 0908804997

Available from

Weaving Resilience into our Working Lands: Future Roles for Native Plants on Private Land
Weaving Resilience into our Working Lands: Recommendations for the Future Roles of Native Plants

Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment

Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Wellington, N.Z.
2002, 39pp, softback
ISBN 1877274054

Available from

Weaving Resilience into our Working Lands: Recommendations for the Future Roles of Native Plants
Christchurch and Canterbury
Attracting Native Bush Birds back to Christchurch

Waterways and Wetlands team, Christchurch City Council

Christchurch City Council, Christchurch, N.Z.
Undated, colour leaflet, foldout

Available from Christchurch City Council

Attracting Native Bush Birds back to Christchurch

Attracting Native Wetland Birds back to Christchurch

Waterways and Wetlands team, Christchurch City Council

Christchurch City Council, Christchurch, N.Z.
Undated, colour leaflet, foldout

Available from Christchurch City Council

Attracting Native Wetland Birds back to Christchurch
Caring for Streams of the Canterbury Plains: a Guide to Riparian Management

Environment Canterbury

2001, 14pp, colour illustrations, softback
ISBN 1869373944

Caring for Streams of the Canterbury Plains: a Guide to Riparian Management
Christchurch Naturally — Discovering The City's Wild Side

Christchurch City Council

Christchurch City Council, Christchurch, N.Z.
2000, 46pp, colour illustrations, softback
ISBN 0958221677

$24.95, available from the Christchurch City Council

Christchurch Naturally -- Discovering The City's Wild Side

Community Attitudes to Vegetation in the Urban Environment: a Christchurch Case Study. Landcare Research Science Series No. 22

M. Kilvington & R. Wilkinson

Manaaki Whenua Press, Lincoln, Canterbury, N.Z.
1999, 38pp, colour illustrations, softback
ISBN 0478093322

$20.00, available from Touchwood Books

Community Attitudes to Vegetation in the Urban Environment: a Christchurch Case Study

Establishing Shelter in Canterbury with Nature Conservation in Mind: A practical guide for the true Cantabrian

C. D. Meurk

Environment Canterbury and Isaac Centre for Nature Conservation, Lincoln University, N.Z.
2003, 22pp, colour illustrations, softback

Available as a PDF at

Establishing Shelter in Canterbury with Nature Conservation in Mind
Flax — harakeke

Christchurch City Council

Christchurch City Council, Christchurch, N.Z.
Undated, colour leaflet, foldout

Available from Christchurch City Council

Flax -- harakeke

Hinewai — The Journal of a New Zealand Naturalist

H. D. Wilson

Shoal Bay Press, Christchurch, N.Z.
2002, 168pp, B&W illustrations, softback
ISBN 1877251208


Hinewai -- The Journal of a New Zealand Naturalist
Indigenous Ecosystems of the Lyttelton Harbour Basin: a Guide to Native plants, their Ecology and Planting

Lucas Associates with C. Meurk & I. Lynn

Lucas Associates, Christchurch, N.Z.
2000, 44pp, colour illustrations, softback, spiral bound
ISBN 0473054744

Available for purchase from Sally Tripp, "Still Point", RD1 Lyttelton

Indigenous Ecosystems of the Lyttelton Harbour Basin
Native ecosystems of Otautahi Christchurch. Set 1-4. For Christchurch-Otautahi Agenda 21 Committee

Lucas Associates

Lucas Associates, Christchurch, N.Z.
1997, colour illustrations, softback, spiral bound

Available from Christchurch City Council

Native ecosystems of Otautahi Christchurch

Restoring Avoca Valley Stream: a Community Model

Lucas Associates and Christchurch City Council

Lucas Associates and Christchurch City Council, Christchurch, N.Z.
1998, 96pp and inserts, colour illustrations, softback
ISBN 0958369666

Available from Christchurch City Council

Restoring Avoca Valley Stream: a Community Model
Riccarton Bush: Putaringamotu

Edited by B. Molloy

The Riccarton Bush Trust, Christchurch, N.Z.
1995, 330pp, colour and B&W photos and illustrations, hardback
ISBN 047302876X

$30.00, available from the Riccarton Bush Trust and the Christchurch City Council

Riccarton Bush: Putaringamotu

Selection of Weeds in Christchurch

Christchurch City Council

Christchurch City Council, Christchurch, N.Z.
Undated, colour leaflet, foldout

Available from Christchurch City Council

Selection of Weeds in Christchurch

Streamside Planting Guide. What to plant and how to maintain native plants along freshwater streams in Christchurch

C. D. Meurk, Lucas Associates and Christchurch City Council

Christchurch City Council, Christchurch, N.Z.
Undated, colour foldout

Available from the Christchurch City Council

Streamside Planting Guide
The Styx Story: a Study of a Christchurch River

Dennis Hills

The Styx History Group, Christchurch, N.Z.
2002, 98pp, colour and B&W photos and illustrations,softback
ISBN 0473092301

$28, available from The Styx History Group, PO Box 20-311, Christchurch, New Zealand

The Styx Story: a Study of a Christchurch River

Vision 2000-2040: The Styx. Waterways, Wetlands and Surface Water. Community Planning for the Future. Draft

Waterways and Wetlands Team

Christchurch City Council, N.Z.
2000, 39pp, colour illustrations, softback

Available from the Christchurch City Council

Vision 2000-2040: The Styx
Waterways, Wetlands and Drainage Guide. Parts A & B

Edited by S. McMurtrie & J. Walter

Christchurch City Council, Christchurch, N.Z.
ISBN 1877313017 (v. 1); 1877313025 (v. 2)

$168.75 (both parts), colour illustrations, softback, spiral bound, available from the Christchurch City Council

Waterways, Wetlands and Drainage Guide

Top of Page


Action Strategy for Nature Conservation in the Pacific Islands Region 2003 - 2007. 7th Pacific Islands Conference on Nature Conservation and Protected Areas

2003, 15pp

Available at: 002sprep14th/14SM_Off_WP_8_1_1_Att_1.pdf

How to Make a Wildlife Garden

Chris Baines

Francis Lincoln, London
ISBN 0711217114

Available from the author

How to Make a Wildlife Garden

In Fairness to Future Generations

E. Brown-Weiss

Environment 32: 7-11, 30-31


Landscape Ecology. Function and Management. Principles from Australia's Rangelands

J. Ludwig, D. Tongway, D. Freudenberger, J. Noble, & K. Hodgkinson

CSIRO, Melbourne, Australia
1997, 158pp

Out of print, but may be available second-hand from Touchwood Books.


Our Common Future

World Commission on Environment and Development

Oxford University Press, North Carolina, U.S.A.
1987, softback
ISBN 019282080X


Restoring Nature: Perspectives from the Social Sciences and Humanities

Edited by P. H. Gobster & R. B. Hull

Island Press, USA
2000, hardback

Restoring Nature: Perspectives from the Social Sciences and Humanities

The Diversity of Life

E. O. Wilson

W. W. Norton & Co.
ISBN 0393964574


The Ecological City. Preserving and Restoring Urban Biodiversity

Edited by R. H. Platt, A. Rowntree & P. C. Muick

University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst


The Future Eaters. An Ecological History of the Australasian Lands and People

T. Flannery

Grove Press
1994, softback
ISBN 0802139434

Available from Touchwood Books


The Song of the Dodo: Island Biogeography in an Age of Extinctions

D. Quammen

Simon & Schuster, New York, U.S.A.
1997, 702pp, softback
ISBN 0684827123


The Wild Side of Town

Chris Baines

BBC Publications and Elm Tree Books
ISBN 0563213094

Out of print but copies held by author

The Wild Side of Town

Toward Optimal Environmental Policy: The Case of Biodiversity Conservation

N. Gunningham & M. D. Young

Ecology Law Quarterly 24: 243-298


Prices where stated are in New Zealand dollars and include GST. We cannot guarantee these prices or the availability of titles. Please contact the suggested suppliers directly.

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Last updated: July 13, 2014