carrot fly and other nasties at bay

The carrot fly poses
a serious threat to carrots and can damage up to 90% of the roots.
It's that time of year
again when seeds are sown and seedlings are transplanted out into
the veggie garden. It's also that time of year when the nasties
appear, and Prof Walker, our perennially cheerful vegetable oracle,
is troubled by what's pursuing his carrots.
can see here the damage caused by carrot fly. It's not severe, but
obviously it wouldn't look good in a shop. If the carrot fly attacks
the carrot when it's younger, however, it will kill the carrot.
The carrot fly starts
off in October, or a little earlier in the North Island. It lays
its eggs near the carrot. These eggs hatch into small, white larvae,
like a little white worm, and these make their way down into the
carrot. They attack the fine roots first, then the carrot itself.
larvae eventually pupate and turn into another fly. The whole process
takes about eight to 12 weeks. You then get more flies hatching
and the whole process starts all over again. You can get three or
four generations in one year, the last one about May.
Incidences of carrot
rust fly, as they're also known, were recorded in England in 1814.
In NZ the fly was first found and recorded in Auckland in 1931.
By 1952 it was as far south as Palmerston North. By 1980 it had
officially spread to the South Island, though growers had been aware
of it as early as 1960.
The carrot fly poses
a serious threat to carrots and can damage up to 90% of the roots.
of the methods Prof Walker found most effective is to use pelleted
carrot seed (supplied by his commercial friends) which have been
pelleted with an insecticide. However, this method is presently
unavailable to the home gardener.
Another excellent method
is to use a special cover to enclose the whole crop to keep out
the fly. Prof Walker says he knows people who have had great success
using a microclimate cloth to grow their carrots.
only is it effective against carrot fly, it can be used for all
kinds of purposes. Prof Walker leaves it on most of the time for
his strawberries, but for other crops he tends to take it off when
the plants are coming into maturity. For the carrots, however, he
leaves it on all the time.
At this time of the year
it can also be used to aid germination of small seeds and to keep
the wind off plants. It can also be used as a protection from heavy
rain and animals, such as cats.
The material used for
the cover is a porous, knitted cloth. It not only lets air and water
through, it also keeps out the bugs, such as the carrot fly and
other insects.
For anybody wanting to
keep carrot fly at bay without using chemicals, this is ideal.
Other Methods to Reduce
Carrot Fly
To minimise the damage
from carrot fly:
- When you're thinning,
never leave the 'thinnings' about.
- Be aware that other
crops such as parsnip, celery and parsley all host the carrot
fly. Don't plant them too close.
- Practice a rotation
as wide as you possibly can.
with permission from NZOOM Home and Garden content,
from the previous
website of 
The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH
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