the Shadows:
photographic collection as a research resource and historical record
Reproduced from an article
by Walter Cook
Alexander Turnbull
Library, PO Box 12-349, Wellington
From The New Zealand
Garden Journal (Journal of the Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture),
Vol. 2, No. 3, September 1997, pp. 2-6.
Pictures are said to be worth a thousand words. In practice, in
my experience, this aphorism of popular wisdom is not an unqualified
truth. No doubt a photograph of Marilyn Monroe will describe her
appearance at a particular moment in a way that words can't really
emulate. On the other hand, written impressions and reminiscences
of the actress by many people constitute a record which the image
lacks and will only acquire through being associated with them.
Together images and words are a powerful combination. In the presentation
of historical events and personalities they compliment each other
in our evocation of the past. Whether it is television or the stained
glass of Chartres cathedral, images exist within a context of words,
oral or written. Images and words combine in our thoughts, memories
and dreams and both constitute and transmit much of that context
of our lives called "culture".

For this reason collecting
images is an essential part of the work of those culture factories
called research libraries. No country which considers itself advanced
and civilised is without one or more of these institutions, and
New Zealand is no exception. As well as our older established archives
such as the Auckland Museum library, the historical collections
of the Auckland public library, The Alexander Turnbull Library,
the National Archives, the Canterbury Museum Library and the Hocken
Library, there are dozens of others in national and provincial museums,
universities and private institutions. The archaeologist, Leonard
Woolley, found the "clay tablet" civilisation of Ur buried under
eight feet of mud. Our civilization will be found buried under a
mountain of soggy paper and the entangled plastic products of the
information industry. Making sense of all of this is the work of
an army of researchers, family historians, academic historians,
biographers, television documentary makers, authors of newspaper
articles, and museum exhibition curators to name just a few.
Research libraries fuel a huge and diverse industry.
To testify that images are an important part of our national archive
nationally, I will simply state that when, four years ago, the Pictorial
Reference Service of the Alexander Turnbull Library complied a directory
of photograph collections in New Zealand, the resulting work contained
one hundred and thirteen entries. These were selected from responses
to a questionnaire sent to over 300 institutions and represented
those which provided a service to the public. Archives of photographs
exist in private industry, Government Departments, and bodies like
historical societies. As well, every family and extended family
is the possessor and guardian of such an archive. The family archive,
as far as photographs are concerned, dates from the beginning of
photography in the 1840s and 50s. For the first fifty years records
were largely the work of commercial photographers though there are
notable exceptions. The photographic image was delivered into the
hands of us all when in 1889 Kodak invented and marketed the snapshot
camera. Quite apart from their significance to owners, family photograph
collections are a valuable source of information for social and
cultural historians.
I work in the Photograph Archive of the Alexander Turnbull Library
which contains the research collections of the National Library.
These collections are quite distinct from the National Archives.
The latter are the repository of records of government departments
while the Turnbull Library draws its collections from the New Zealand
community in general.
The core of the Turnbull Library consists of the rare books, records
of early explorations, manuscripts and New Zealand publications,
comprising in all some 60,000 items, collected by Alexander Turnbull
and gifted to the nation in 1918. Images were a part of this collection
including photographs. The library opened in 1920 and celebrated
its first 75 years of operation in 1995.
Images in the Turnbull Library fall into three departmentalised
groups. As well as the Photograph Archive, there is the Archive
of Drawings and Prints. This collection contains pre-photographic
images the works of explorers, surveyors and artists who
documented New Zealand and the South Pacific from the eighteenth
century. As a generalisation it is the library's chief source of
visual information prior to the mid 1860s when photographs became
commonly used in New Zealand. Of course for a variety of reasons
both the Archive of Drawings and Prints and the Photograph Archive
contain material outside current collecting briefs, so for example
you can see etchings by Piranesi, the 18th century Italian artist
of architectural fantasy, in one, and wonderful mid 19th century
images of the monuments of Egypt in the other if you happen
to know that they're there. The third department is the Ephemera
Archive. This is a treasure trove of printed material which falls
outside the briefs of all other departments. Trade catalogues, bus
tickets, domestic packaging, posters, and junk mail much
of the print culture that touches most of us most of the time
ends up there. For garden historians it is one of the places to
look for nursery catalogues, though sadly, I don't think it contains
a comprehensive collection of seed packets (anyone out there wanting
to off load such a treasure?). Material of interest to garden historians
is diffused throughout all of these collections, and as anyone knows
who has experienced research and research libraries, it takes time
first to know the way the institution works and then to ferret
out specific information. But believe me, we're there to help you.
Don't give up! Keep pestering. If we haven't got it, we'll suggest
other places for you to try.
The collections of the Photograph Archive began as a result of the
New Zealand Centennial publication "Making New Zealand", a serialised
history of this country from Gondwana to 1940. Photographs collected
for this publication were subsequently deposited in the Turnbull
Library. Then in 1947 the first photograph curator, George Heron
was appointed. Heron was an enthusiast rather than a professional
librarian. With the help of supporters of the Library like the Petone
photographer A. P. Godber, he identified and sought out historical
photograph collections. Though Heron left in the early 1950s, the
library continued to reap the reward of his efforts into the 1960s.
Collections such as the Tyree Collection from Nelson, the Steffano
Webb Collection from Christchurch and the Harding Denton Collection
from Wanganui are examples. Collectively they cover a period from
1863 to 1933. The Harding Denton collection in particular is a good
example of a continuous record, in this case of Wanganui, which
is of great use to garden and landscape historians. From 1863 to
1933 the city was sequentially photographed. Back-yards of colonial
buildings can be examined for vegetable gardens and shelter trees.
The earliest pine plantation in the city was planted in the early
1870s round the new court house. It's rise and fall can be followed
in the photographic record as it was transformed into the gardenesque
plantings of the notorious Moutoa Gardens from the late 1890s. Street
plantings, other public and private gardens, and the treescape of
the city have been clearly captured in this collection. It is an
outstanding record for anyone wanting a general view of what really
happened over a particular period. Collections relating to other
places may not come from a single studio, but the Turnbull Photograph
Archive and Pictorial Reference Service, contain a critical mass
of material which makes such explorations feasible for many of our
cities and towns as well as for country areas.
Today the photograph collection comprises some two million items
and continues to be well supported by the community. 70 to 80 per
cent of acquisitions over the last two years have come from public
donations. Much of the balance is made up of copy negatives made
from items loaned for copying. And what are we doing about all this
material? We are all pounding away at computer keyboards these days,
and in the near future access to cataloguing records will be available
nationally and internationally through netscape. Already over 2,000
images and their documentation, are available nationally and world
wide through the Timeframes database, which has been noticed and
favourably commented on by American research watch dogs on the internet.
In future anyone with the appropriate technology will be able to
do preliminary searches of the Turnbull Library holdings in postmodern
isolation, from their homes. But for the rest of us don't
despair. We will always respond to letters, and send photocopies
in the absence of more advanced technology. Also we are open to
anyone visiting Wellington, weekdays between 9 am and 5pm. There
is nothing like experiencing the real thing. There is also the advantage
of serendipity through contact with those who know the collections
something that is hard to effect from a distance.
All images constitute
a primary resource for research. This is not always recognised by
researchers who often select images as illustrations at the end
of the job. They are used more as embellishments to a text rather
than an integral part of its message. Many of the same images are
used over and over again because authors and publishers make selections
from published sources. As a result certain images can become icons
representing a point of view or set of prejudices. An example of
this is a photograph of an overcrowded Victorian interior in the
Turnbull Library collections. I first saw it in "Making New Zealand",
published in 1940. It was used in that publication and subsequent
ones by propagandists of the modern movement in domestic design
to illustrate "bad" Victorian interior design. In fact this is the
only image among many 19th and early 20th century house interiors
in the collections that looks like this and it is completely
over the top. The selectors had also misread the image, which is
in fact an example of the way some proud home owners of the time
gathered their possessions en mass, in front of the camera
hence the unique clutter. Images in isolation can be easily manipulated,
and developing skills in reading images requires, at least, relatively
open minded foragings among a critical mass of them, as well as
information from published or manuscript texts.
Images generally, and
photographs in particular, do have limitations, even in critical
mass. These result from how we use photographs, who takes them,
and who pays for them the socio-economic factors. Views of
cities in the 19th and early 20th centuries were usually taken by
commercial photographers for sale as prints or postcards. They usually
chose parts of the town where the principle buildings were, or the
more affluent suburban areas whose inhabitants ensured a market
for their products. In Wellington, for example, we have relatively
few photographs of the working class areas of the Te Aro Flat which
were considered unsightly slums, given over to the City Mission,
the down market end of the sex industry, and opium smokers. This
means garden historians interested, let's say, in the incidence
of vegetable gardens in this part of Wellington, don't have the
mass of material to work with that is available for Thorndon. It
is easy to find information on the gardens of the middle classes
and public parks. That's where the money was in terms of tourists
and clients. The same is true of the family snapshot collection.
We point the camera to record significant rites of passage, summer
holidays, and members of the family. As a result we are as selective
in our own way as commercial photographers. You probably wont find
pictures of mum bottling or cleaning the Shacklock stove in the
kitchen, or of dad giving the kids a hiding. Thus with gardens it
is easy to find views of the finished product. Detailed records
of nurseries, people working in glasshouses behind the scenes, or
gardens in the process of construction are rare or non existent.
The photograph collection in the Turnbull Library that illustrates
this monumentally is the recently restored R. P. Moore collection
of panorama negatives. This consists of 2,400 meter long nitrate
negatives taken between 1922 and the early 1930s. As well as being
a spectacular record of New Zealand towns, cities, and landscape,
for garden historians, the collection contains dozens of photographs
of great houses and their gardens, all depicted in amazing detail.
Photographic records such as these were expensive to buy, and this
dictated who bought them and what was recorded. Panoramic prints
by R. P. Moore are not uncommon. Rupert Tipples used a number to
illustrate gardens created by Alfred Buxton in his book "Colonial
Landscape Gardener". The landed gentry who employed Buxton to design
and lay out their gardens, were also a significant class of patron
who supported Moore as a panorama photographer. Conspicuous consumption
demands conspicuous display. The panorama photograph was one way
to effect this. The library is in the process of making high quality
copy negatives from the originals, and many have been printed for
use as a reference tool for people using the library. The originals
are now kept in a refrigerated store which will prevent the nitrate
film from deteriorating.
Records such as those that survive in the negatives of R. P. Moore
are also of use for the restoration of gardens identifying surviving
trees from original plantings and getting an idea of what the garden
looked like. The photograph Archive contains five 10 x 8 inch glass
negatives of Nelson dating from ca 1858. They record views of the
young city from a slightly elevated position looking down on the
buildings in the landscape. Fruit trees, gardens, hedges, and other
details can be clearly seen. They contain a lot of general information
about gardens in Nelson at that date, and from this information,
history and restoration can draw solid conclusions. In the case
of negatives of large format such as these, there is also potential
to explore the image by having sections blown up. It has always
been possible to do this using conventional photograph printing
methods, but these were relatively labour intensive and expensive.
New electronic methods of producing images make this much easier
and cheaper to do. Images can be scanned from negatives on to computer
discs, and electronically cropped and enlarged and printed out as
laser prints or digital photographs. Of these, the laser prints
are the cheapest option ($5.60 as against $16.65), and done this
way provide very clear images. The limitation of laser prints is
that they are not the best image to publish from. Unlike photographic
prints they are constructed of thousands of parallel lines and for
some reason this causes degrading in the images taken from them
the sort of thing that happens much more dramatically when
a photocopy is made from a photocopy.
Research libraries have a double agenda which is always the cause
of some conflict. They must provide access to collections which
are there to be used, but they must also make sure that the collections
are used in such a way that they survive. The use of many new technologies,
like the digital storage of images, are also motivated by considerations
of conservation. Copy negatives made from the R. P. Moore negatives
allow the originals to be retired, and also transfers the image
onto a more stable film base for the long term. Because the copy
negatives are smaller they can be used in standard photograph printing
processes and images from them can be easily supplied. Conservation
at a basic level permeates everything we do in the Photograph Archive.
Incoming collections are checked for live stock on arrival. In the
eternal summer of controlled, air conditioned interior climates
insect pests can take off with a vengeance. Humidity within the
building is kept at 32 which effectively deals with moulds, and
when combined with low temperatures slows down the processes of
chemical decomposition in papers and photograph emulsions. It is
not so good for living human beings who can suffer a range of discomforts
as a result of the dry atmosphere feeling drained and tired
being one of the more common. Collections are finally packaged and
housed in acid free envelopes and containers which will not exacerbate
the previously mentioned processes of chemical decomposition by
joining them. They are then catalogued and shelved in a numbered
sequence from whence they are retrieved for the use of us all who
own them. Don't forget this. Collections such as those in the Alexander
Turnbull Library have been built up over the decades by personal
contributions and the spending of public money. They are there for
the use of all of us.
from the author:
The Alexander Turnbull
Library has an online catalogue TAPUHI (,
and an image database TIMEFRAMES (
which at present contains 18000 catalogued images. If people want
to send letters to the pictorial departments its just a matter of
addressing the mail to The Curator, The Photograph Archive, Drawings
and Prints (or Turnbull Library Pictures). I should note that what
is now called Turnbull Library Pictures, was called at the time
I wrote the article, Pictorial Reference Service.
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