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Plant Doctor Archive — alphabetical listing

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

A feast for slugs
A mitey problem
Acanthus mollis - Bear's breeches
Adding horse and cow manure to composts
Agave damaged
Ailing apple trees
Ailing blue spruce
Ailing camellias
Ailing hedge
Ailing indoor palm
Ailing indoor plants - 1
Ailing indoor plants - 2
Ailing junipers
Ailing maple
Ailing michelia
Ailing peppertree
Ailing puka
Ailing weeping cherry
Algae on gravel
Alstroemeria not flowering
Angst with aphids
Antiquing with moss
Ants everywhere
Aphids on Brussels sprouts
Aphids on chives
Aphids on swan plant
Arsenic damaging garden?
Astelias being eaten
Australian Two-Spined Spider
Avocado tree
Awful oxalis
Azalea flowers dying


Bank covered in weeds
Basil year-round
Battered banana
Bay tree blues
Beetles and bugs
Berries for Idesia
Best snail bait
Birds eating crabapples
Bitter cucumbers
Black mould on citrus
Black mulberry tree
Black spot on roses
Black spots on citrus
Black spots on swan plant
Blackbirds in garden
Blackcurrant bushes in a bad way
Bladder plum disease
Bleeding Eucalyptus
Blooms & bugs
Blueberry bush
Borer in my mandarin tree
Borer in wisteria
Bottle brush
Brassicas not their best
Brew for the garden
Bringing in butterflies
Bringing out the colour in roses
Brittle robinia - 1
Brittle robinia - 2
Brittle tamarillo tree
Broadleaf weedkillers
Bromeliads for cool spots
Bromeliads in bloom
Bronze beetle damage
Brown leaves on Pyracantha
Brown palm
Brown spots on my broad beans
Brown spots on yucca
Browning rose buds
Browntop a better lawn?
Brussels Sprouts
Bug alert
Bugs and diseases
Bugs on Hibiscus
Bugs on indoor plants
Bugs on my Cannas
Bugs on my veggies
Bugs on orchids
Bugs on palms
Bugs on rhodies
Bulb fly
Bulb fly on daffodils
Bulbs affected by weather
Bush rose 'Graham Thomas'
Buttercups and Agapanthus
Buying beneficial bugs


Cabbage tree cultivation tips
Cabbage tree scale
Cabbage trees yellowing
Callas and Clivias
Camellia leaves turning brown
Camellia troubles
Camellia won't flower
Camellias yellowing
Can I grow tomatoes in winter?
Can I use sphagnum in my potting mix?
Caring for my Magnolia
Caring for my Vireya
Caring for passion fruit
Caring for Wisteria over winter
Carrot fly
Carrot rust fly
Carrots being attacked
Cats in the garden
Caterpillars eating kowhai
Caterpillars on kowhai - 1
Caterpillars on kowhai - 2
Caterpillars on my plants
Catnip leaves turning purple
Chamomile request
Chemical-free roses
Cherry and plum trees not flowering
Cherry woes
Chewed rose buds and leaves
Chewed up veggie patch
Choisya not so choice
Cicada damage
Citrus not growing
Citrus verrucossis
Citrus won't fruit
Clematis from seed
Clematis killer
Climbing roses for the coast
Club root
Club root in brassicas
Coal in the soil
Coastal colour
Codling moth
Codling moth on fruit trees
Combating oxalis
Comfrey and Yarrow
Compost or sludge?
Condys crystals and grubs in raspberries
Conifer dying
Controlling boysenberries
Controlling passion vine hopper
Controlling powdery mildew
Controlling puff balls and toadstools
Cornus slow to grow
Crabapple 'Toms Fileck'
Cracked cacti
Crooked dealings (carrots and parsnips)
Curled leaves on daphne
Curly carrots
Cycad on the move
Cycad turning brown
Cypress hedge dying off
Cypress Leylands gradually dying


Daphne dilemma
Daylilies dying off
Dead-loss daff blooms
Dealing with liverwort
Death of lemon tree
Diminishing grapefruit
Discouraging dogs
Diseased cabbage trees
Diseased crab apple
Diseased cucumbers
Diseased Liquidambar?
Diseased magnolias
Diseased tomatoes
Does my Yucca need repotting?
'Doggy' patches on lawn
Dreaded onion weed
Droopy roses
Dry grapefruit
Dwarf apple enormous
Dwarf flaxes
Dying pony tail palm


Earwigs in dahlias
Eradicating arum lilies
Eradicating jasmine
Eradicating Oxalis
Evergreen climbers in tubs


Far from magic beans
Feijoas with leaf roller caterpillars

Fertilising a lawn
Ficus in the office
Ficus Reginald
Flaxes under attack
Flies in worm compost
Foliage, but no flowers
Frangipani looking ill
Freesias not flowering
Fruit drop - 1
Fruit drop - 2
Fruit drop on citrus tree
Fruit drop on lime tree
Fruit split on citrus tree
Fungal fuchsias
Fungus and mildew on roses
Fungus on lemon tree
Fungus on tree


Gathering moss
Getting rid of bamboo
Getting rid of Dichondra
Getting rid of liverwort
Getting rid of Paspalum
Getting rid of pesky plants
Getting the best from rhubarb
Gold turns sneaky silver
Grapes in decline
Grass grub
Grass grubs - 1
Grass grubs - 2
Grass tree browning
Green Goddess, not!
Green pumpkins
Green shield beetles
Growing beans
Green beetle
Growing bluebells in New Zealand
Growing chillies in winter
Growing garlic
Growing kumara
Growing kumara, yams and potatoes
Growing macadamias
Growing mango from seed
Growing mangoes
Growing pineapple
Growing plants under mature trees
Growing tamarillos
Growing yams
Growing yams and leeks


Hebe loses leaves
Hedging your bets
Holes in pepper tree leaves
Holes in strawberry leaves
Holes in orchid flower
Holy succulents
Horse manure for the garden
How can I protect my plants from frost?
How do I best grow my leeks?
How do I look after my fruit trees?
How do I protect my veggie planter box from frost?
How to stratify seeds
Hoya won't flower


Ideal soil mix
Improving clay soils
Improving soil
Improving soil quality
Indoor ficus - 1
Indoor ficus - 2
Invasion of thrips
Invasive bamboo
Ivy and jasmine are attacking my natives
Ivy taking over


Japanese bitter orange
Jeyes Fluid
Juiceless lemons


Katydids on my citrus
Katydids on roses
Killing off oxalis
Kinky brassicas
Kitty litter in the compost?
Kitty quandaries
Kiwifruit and conifers


Lack of pollinators and weeds in compost
Lanky potatoes
Lavatera woes
Lavender woes
Lawn fungus
Laying down a thyme lawn
Leaf curl on peach tree
Leafless begonias
Leggy cabbage trees
Leggy grevilleas
Lemon tree over-fertilised
Lesions on tamarillo
Less than lush lavender
Less than perfect pansies
Leucadendron flowers rotting
Lichen on my azaleas
Lichen on my feijoa trees
Lichen-covered tree
Lime chips detrimental?
Liverwort a nuisance
Looking after avocados and citrus
Loopy caterpillars
Lopsided lemon
Loquat not fruiting
Lost its golden touch (tainui, Pomaderris kumeraho)
Low strike rate for Ranunculus
Lumpy leaves
Lumpy leaves on camellia


Macrocarpa mulch for sandy soil
Maidenhair care
Making a meal of it
Maggots in potting mix
Mealy bug on Clematis
Mealy bugs
Mealy bugs on pony tail palm
Mildew on dahlias
Misshapen strawberries
Mite menace
Monarch caterpillars gone
'Mop Top' Robinias causing headache
Moss in lawn
Moth orchids sulk (Phalaenopsis)
Mould on African Violet
Moving a mandarin tree
Moving a maple
Mulberry tree
Mulching bamboo
My anemones won't flower
My anthurium won't flower
My chives flower too soon
My daphne smells horrible!
My daphnes are losing their leaves
My Edgeworthia is yellowing
My frangipani won't bloom
My gerberas won't flower
My hebes won't flower
My hibiscus flower too late
My Hydrangea won't flower
My irises are being eaten
My kaffir lime is poorly
My kittens chew my indoor plants
My succulents are being eaten
My tomatoes are segmenting
My tomatoes won't ripen
Myrtle cuttings
Myrtle tree
Mystery tree


Name that poppy
Narcissus fly attacks
New garden site
No flowers on my Hippeastrum
No seeds on sunflower
Not so perfect pansies
NPK fertiliser


Odd bromeliads
Old trick
Onion weed and oxalis
Orangeberry (Rubus pentalobus)
Ornamental cherry oozing goo
Ornamental grapes
Oxalis and ginger


Palm reading
Passionfruit splitting
Patchy lawn - 1
Patchy lawn - 2
Patchy lawn - 3
Patchy leaves on echium
Peaches not so peachy
Pesky bullrushes
Pesky snails
Pesky weeds
Pesky weevils
Pesky whitefly
Pesky whiteflies
Pesky whitefly - 1
Pesky whitefly - 2
Pesky woodlice
Pests on beans
Pests on raspberries
Pine needles are killing my grass
Pittosporum problems
Plague of aphids
Plague of thrips - 1
Plague of thrips - 2
Plagued with whitefly
Planting in pots
Planting shelter belts
Plants for exposed deck
Plants for holiday home
Plants to repel mosquitoes
Plum tree not fruiting
Pohutukawa - 'bubbles' on young leaves
Pohutukawa with curly leaves
Poor fruit on mandarin
Poorly Knights lily
Poorly peace lily
Poorly pepper tree
Poorly protea
Poorly puka and golden ake ake
Poorly xeronema
Port wine magnolia with yellow leaves
Potato blight
Potato woes
Powdery mildew on oaks
Powdery mildew on rhodo
Praying mantis - good or bad?
Preventing leaf curl and die-back on fruit trees
Primroses changed colour
Problem with weeds
Problematic lilies
Problematic passionfruit
Problems with Pukas
Problems with slaters
Producing giant pumpkins
Propagate Scleranthus biflorus
Propagating cypress
Propagating dianthus
Propagating karaka
Propagating natives from seed
Propagating tree paeonies
Propagating yuccas
Protecting avocado trees
Pruning a cherry tree
Pruning a clematis
Pruning a cypress
Pruning a yucca
Pruning apples
Pruning apricot and plum trees
Pruning Citrus
Pruning fuchsias
Pruning hydrangeas
Pruning Mexican Orange Blossom
Pruning Oleander
Pruning Pandorea
Pruning passionfruit
Pruning roses
Pruning standard roses
Pruning tamarillos
Pruning wisteria
Pseudopanax woes
Pumpkins, courgettes not producing


Quince tree with leaf spot


Red bottlebrush tree
Red-brown patches on lawn
Red-flowering manuka
Red-less rhubarb
Removing moss and hydrocotyle from lawns
Removing suckers
Removing tree stumps
Repotting anthuriums
Resprout a cabbage tree
Retarding grass growth
Rhodo won't flower (Rhododendron yakushimanum)
Rhododendron care
Ribbonwood trees
Root rot in potted plants
Rosa 'Margaret Merrill'
Roses under attack
Rosemary hedge
Rotting feijoa
Rust and black spot on roses
Rust in Roses
Rust on freesias
Rust on gerberas
Rust on gladioli - 1
Rust on gladioli - 2
Rust on rhubarb
Rusty leaves


Sad-looking lilies
Sad-looking yucca
Safe-to-eat spuds?
Sauromatum venosum
Saving a naranjilla
Saving sunflower seeds
Scale (on lemon tree) and brown tips (on hydrangea)
Scale insect on Norfolk pine
Scale insects
Scale-like creatures on bromeliad
Scaly-skinned citrus
Scarred leaves
Seed sowing
Serious sandflies
Shade trees
Shaping abutilons
Shifting a nikau
Shifting tree ferns
Shirley and soldier poppies
Shoot on ponytail
Short on selenium
Should I have moved my magnolia?
Shy dogwood
Shy Poor Knights lily
Sick cabbage tree
Sickly indoor palm
Silk tree with frost-bite
Silver birch
Silvering rhododendrons
Slow composting
Slug-resistant plants
Slugs on apple tree
Slugs on plum tree
Smelly and gluggy compost heap
Solomon's seal taking over
Something's eating my camellia buds
Something's eating my canna lilies
Something's eating my citrus
Something's eating my kowhai
Sooty mould
Sooty mould on citrus
Spider mite on roses - 1
Spider mite on roses - 2
Spiky citrus
Spittle bugs
Split hibiscus
Splotches on flax and cabbage trees
Spots on bromeliads
Spots on hippeastrum
Spotted pittosporum
Spotty dahlias
Spray drift
Spreading alstroemeria
Sprouting ponytail
Stemming borer scourge
Stephanotis from seed
Stinging nettle
Stinging nettles a curse
Straggly olive trees
Strange avocado
Strangled by moth plants
Stunted hyacinths
Success with impatiens
Succulent won't flower
Suckering Pernettya
Syringa 'Katherine Havermeyer'


Taking cuttings from Dracaenas
Taking cuttings from orange trees
Tamarillo troubles
Tamarillo won't fruit
Tecophilaea cyanocrocus
The right bamboo
Thinning citrus
Thorny lemon tree
Thrips a curse
Thrips damage
Thrips on potted vireyas
Thuja infested with moths
Tiny worms eating my plants
Tomatoes and blight
Tomatoes in polythene bags
Tomatoes won't fruit
Too much snail bait?
Training a weeping rose
Transplanting a Dracaena
Transplanting a fern
Transplanting citrus
Transplanting lilies
Transplanting red Cordyline
Transplanting trees
Tree borer
Tree ferns in pots
Trees wrong colour
Trimming a queen palm
Trimming alder trees
Trimming lavender and herbs
Trouble sowing brassicas
Trouble with beans
Troublesome Oxalis
Tuberose tips
Tulips swamped
Two-spotted mite
Two-stemmed pine


Underplanting a Phoenix palm
Ungainly Gardenia
Unhappy bay laurel
Unhappy hydrangeas
Unhappy roses
Unhealthy citrus tree
Unhealthy hostas
Unhealthy rose
Unhealthy roses
Unhealthy tomatoes
Unhealthy Wisteria
Unsightly irises
Unusual flower
Unwanted tree stumps
Unwelcome inhabitants
Using chemicals in the garden
Using pyrethrum
Using raw seaweed on the garden
Using vinegar to deter cats


Venus Flytrap
Viburnum leaves turning brown


Wandering Willie
Waning wisteria
Warding off scale (on golden totara)
Wasp nest
Water Gardens - Adding water to pond
Water Gardens - American Skunk Cabbage
Water Gardens - Aphids on water plants
Water Gardens - Aponogeton dystacius
Water Gardens - Best water lilies
Water Gardens - Bio filters
Water Gardens - Calla lilies
Water Gardens - Clean ponds
Water Gardens - Combating algae
Water Gardens - Controlling duckweed
Water Gardens - Copper pipe
Water Gardens - Corkscrew rush
Water Gardens - Dividing water lilies
Water Gardens - Dizzy fish
Water Gardens - Fibre Optic Plant
Water Gardens - Fish dying
Water Gardens - Fountain
Water Gardens - Gasping fish
Water Gardens - Goldfish varieties
Water Gardens - Grass carp
Water Gardens - Growing aquarium plants outdoors
Water Gardens - Growing carnivorous plants
Water Gardens - Growing lotus plants
Water Gardens - Hungry fish
Water Gardens - Leaking pond
Water Gardens - Leaking ponds?
Water Gardens - Lifting water irises
Water Gardens - Oxygenating plants
Water Gardens - Planting water lilies
Water Gardens - Pond filters
Water Gardens - Problems with pond liner
Water Gardens - River boulders
Water Gardens - Sealing ponds
Water Gardens - Sludge build-up
Water Gardens - Submerged plants
Water Gardens - Tubifex worms
Water Gardens - Using river boulders
Water Gardens - UV clarifier
Water Gardens - Water hawthorn
Water Gardens - Water lilies
Water Gardens - Water lily pots
Water Gardens - White Cloud Mountain Minnows
Water Gardens - Winter plants
Water Gardens - Yellow water iris
Water Gardens - Zebra Rush
Waterlily camelia
Watery woes
Wayward plum tree
Weeds among chamomile
Weeds in lawn
Weeping cherry
Weeping fig
Weeping fuchsias
What are rose hips used for?
What can I plant in my clay soil?
What next for cyclamen?
What to do with wood ash?
What's bugging my hibiscus?
What's eating my macadamia nuts?
When to prune Hibiscus
Where are all the flowers? (Dwarf Australian frangipani, Hymenosporum 'Gold Nugget')
Where are the acorns?
Where do the monarchs go?
White mould on Astelias
White secretions on Grevillea
Whitefly infestation
Why won't my pepinos ripen?
Will lavender grow in shade?
Will my swan plant survive?
Wilting Photinia
Wilting tulips
Wind-damaged plants
Wind tolerant plants
Winter care for succulents
Wireworm in amongst the veggies
Wisteria in containers
Woolly growth on fruit tree
Woolly nightshade


X (no listings)


Yam seedlings
Yellow leaves on citrus - 1
Yellow leaves on citrus - 2
Yellow leaves on cycad
Yellow leaves on lemon tree
Yellow leaves on michelia
Yellow leaves on puka
Yellow leaves on Rhododendrons
Yellow yuccas
Yellowing daphne
Yellowing gardenias
Yellowing leaves on cycad
Yellowing Phoenix palm
Yew who
Yucky-looking yucca


Zucchini fruit rotting


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Last updated: July 14, 2009