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The Siberian IrisBOOK REVIEWS

The Siberian Iris

By Currier McEwen
Published by Timber Press, 1996

Reviewed by Mike Oates

This is the second book by Currier McEwen on Siberian Irises, the first being a fairly small paperback which went out of print several years ago. This new book is a 200 page hardback illustrated with line drawings and a section of 36 colour photos.

This monograph includes history, classification, description of the species, characteristics of modern cultivars, culture and pests and diseases.

The author, now 93 years old, has been growing and hybridising Siberian irises for the last forty years and is an internationally recognised expert on the subject.

New Zealand Garden Journal: Journal of the Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture 1996 1(4): 23

Web Notes:

Currier McEwen died on June 23, 2003-shortly after his 101st birthday.

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