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Book Review Archive — alphabetical listing

This table lists more than 360 reviews of gardening and horticultural books.

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Title Author/Editor Publisher and Details Review Source
50 Favourite Plants Compiled and edited by Rachel Scott Consumer Books, Paperback, 104 pages, 210 × 275mm, NZ, 2002 Weekend
50 Ways to Kill a Slug Sarah Ford Hamlyn, distributed by Bookwise Weekend
A Botanist's Notebook Eric Godley Manuka Press in association with The Caxton Press 2006, 125 B&W illustrations, 235 pages, A5, paperback RNZIH
A Field Guide to the Native Edible Plants of New Zealand Andrew Crowe Third edition (updated & expanded), hardback, 192 pages, 121 colour photos, Godwit Press, New Zealand, 1997 RNZIH
A Field Guide to the Native Edible Plants of New Zealand Andrew Crowe Penguin Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
A Growing Matter. An Inventory of the Vegetable and Native Plant Seeds of Aotearoa/New Zealand Compiled by Ann Bell New Zealand Coalition for Trade and Development, P.O. Box 11-345, Wellington, New Zealand RNZIH
A Handful of Herbs Karina Hilterman Southern Publishers Group Weekend
A History of Kitchen Gardening Susan Campbell Paperback, 304 pages, 180 × 225mm, France Lincoln, UK, 2005 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
A History of the Garden in New Zealand Matthew Bradbury Viking, 1995 RNZIH
A New Zealand Handbook of Bulbs and Perennials Edited by Hugh Redgrove Godwit Press, Auckland, New Zealand, 1991 RNZIH
A Plantsman in Nepal Roy Lancaster Hardback, 291 pages, 220 × 280mm, Antique Collectors Club, UK, 1995. Revised edition RNZIH
A Tohunga's Natural World Plants, gardening and food Paul Moon Paperback, 149 pages, 150 × 230mm, David Ling Publishing, NZ, 2005 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Adventures of a Gardener Sir Peter Smithers Hardback, Harvill Press with the Royal Horticultural Society, UK, 1995 RNZIH
All-in-one garden Graham Rice Cassell, distributed by Hachette Weekend
All New Square Foot Gardening — Grow More in Less Space! Mel Bartholomew Cool Springs Press, distributed by Raised Gardens Weekend
An Edwardian Lady's Flower Album Agnes Katherine Landale France Lincoln, distributed by Bookwise Weekend
An Illustrated Guide to New Zealand Hebes Michael Bayly and Alison Kellow Te Papa Press, PO Box 467, Wellington, New Zealand, 2006, 388 pages, 28.5 × 20.5 cm, ISBN-13: 978-0-909010-12-6, ISBN-10: 0-909010-12-9. Hebe News & RNZIH
An Irish Florilegium II — Wild and Garden Plants of Ireland 48 Watercolour Paintings by Wendy Walsh; Introduction and Notes on the Plates by Charles Nelson Hardback, 216 pages, 290 × 365mm, Thames and Hudson Ltd., London, 1987 RNZIH
Anatomy of a Rose — The Secret Lives of Flowers Sharman Apt Russell Random House, Hardback, 215 pages, 130 × 190mm, UK, 2001 Weekend
Antonio Carluccio's Vegetables Antonio Carluccio Headline Books, distributed by Hodder Moa Beckett Weekend
Backyard Blitz — The projects, the people, the pizzazz ACP Books, distributed by Southern Publishers Group Weekend
Balinese Gardens Text: William Warren; Photographs: Luca Invernizzi Tettoni Southern Publishers Group. Paperback, 175 pages, 250 × 310mm, US, 2004, first published 1995 Weekend
Beautiful Roses Photography by Stirling Macoboy Mallon Publishing, distributed by Bookwise Weekend
Begonias — A New Zealand Gardener's Guide Mike Stevens David Bateman. Paperback, 96 pages, 190 × 250mm, NZ, 2002 Weekend
Best Borders Tony Lord Frances Lincoln, distributed by Bookwise International Weekend
Better Against a Wall Ursula Buchan Distributed by Hodder Moa Beckett Weekend
Beyond Organics — Gardening for the Future Helen Cushing Paperback, 246 pages, 150 × 235mm, ABC Books, Australia, 2005 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Biodynamic Perspectives — Farming & Gardening New Zealand Biodynamic Association Random House, Paperback, 224 pages, 150 × 230mm, NZ, 2001 Weekend
Botanic Gardens and Parks in New Zealand — An Illustrated Record Paul Tritenbach Excellence Press, 1987 RNZIH
Botany for Gardeners Brian Capon Paperback, 220 pages, 150 × 230mm, Timber Press, USA, 2005, first published 1992 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
British naturalists in Qing China — Science, empire, and cultural encounter Fa-Ti Fan Hardback, xi + 238 pages. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass, 2004. ISBN 0-674-01143-0 RNZIH
Bromeliads for the Contemporary Garden Andrew Steens Random House. Paperback, 198 pages, 210 × 255mm, NZ, 2003 NZOOM
Bromeliads — the Connoisseur’s Guide Andrew Steens Random House. Paperback, 350 pages, 210 × 280mm, NZ, 2007 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Brugmansia and Datura — Angel's Trumpets and Thorn Apples Ulrike and Hans-Georg Preissel David Bateman. Paperback, 144 pages, 205 × 260mm, NZ, 2001 Weekend
Bugs — enter a world of discovery Eye Wonder series Penguin Books Weekend
Bulbs for New Zealand Gardeners and Collectors Jack Hobbs & Terry Hatch Hardback, 196 pages, 200 × 270mm, Godwit Press, Auckland, New Zealand, 1994. Also paperback edition, 1999 RNZIH
Butterflies and Moths of New Zealand Brian Parkinson and Brian Patrick Reed. Paperback, 60 pages, 125 × 185mm, NZ, 2000 Weekend
Cactus Basics Tony & Suzanne Mace Hamlyn, distributed by Hachette Weekend
Care-free Plants — Over 250 trouble free plants for a beautiful garden Reader's Digest Distributed by Bookwise Weekend
Carnations and Pinks — a New Zealand Gardener's Guide Pamela McGeorge & Dr Keith Hammett David Bateman. Paperback, 96 pages, 190 × 250mm, NZ, 2002 Weekend
Carnivorous Plants of New Zealand Bruce Salmon Ecosphere Publications. Paperback, 303 pages, 155 × 210mm, NZ, 2002 Weekend
Celebrations — Stylish Food & Decorating Ideas Jo Seagar and Fionna Hill Random House. Paperback, 199 pages, 210 × 270mm, NZ, 2001 Weekend
Chelsea The Greatest Flower Show on Earth Leslie Geddes-Brown Dorling-Kindersley, distributed by Penguin. Hardback, 159 pages, 235 × 270mm, UK, 2004, first published 2000 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Checklist of Phormium Cultivars (Prepared for the Nomenclature Committee of the Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture [Inc.]) Peter B. Heenan Paperback, 60 pages, 150 × 210mm, RNZIH, Lincoln, New Zealand, 1991 RNZIH
Chris Booth Edward Lucie-Smith, Ken Scarlett & Gregory O'Brien Random House Weekend
Classic Camellias for New Zealand Gardens James Young HarperCollins. Hardback, 128 pages, 220 × 295mm, NZ, 2003 Weekend
Classic Garden Plans David Stuart Frances Lincoln, distributed by Bookwise Weekend
Clematis — inspiration, selection and practical guidance Charles Chesshire Hardback, 160 pages, 240 × 285mm, UK, 2004 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Climbing Plants Christine & John Nicholls Godwit Press, Auckland, New Zealand, 1995 RNZIH
Colonial Landscape Gardener — Alfred Buxton of Christchurch, New Zealand, 1872-1950 Rupert Tipples Lincoln College, Canterbury, 1989 RNZIH
Colour in Your Garden Penelope Hobhouse Frances Lincoln, distributed by Bookwise Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Colour Your Garden Jill Billington Reed Publishing NZOOM
Common Insects of New Zealand Brian Parkinson Reed Publishing. Paperback, 94 pages, 120 × 180mm, NZ, 2001 Weekend
Compost — The natural way to make food for your garden Ken Thompson Dorling Kindersley, distributed by Penguin. Hardback, 192 pages, 155 × 200mm, UK, 2007. Weekend
Conservatory & Houseplants Editor: Robin Pridy Distributed by Penguin Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Container Gardening Paul Williams Dorling Kindersley, distributed by Penguin Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Container Gardens Daria Price Bowman From the Easy Garden Series, distributed by Bookwise Weekend
Cool Containers Adam Caplin Cameron House, distributed by Bookwise Weekend
Cool Containers Adam Caplin, photos by Marianna Majerus Jacqui Small, distributed by Hachette Weekend
Courtyard Gardens of Kyoto’s Merchant Houses Katsuhiko Mizuno Kodansha International, distributed by Bookwise. Hardback, 139 pages, 235 × 310mm, Japan, 2006 Weekend
Cottage Gardening in New Zealand Christine Dann with photographs by Tony Wyber Allen & Unwin and Port Nicholson Press, Wellington, 1990 RNZIH
Creative Containers Paul Williams Distributed by Reed Weekend
Creative Ideas for New Zealand Gardens Diana Anthony, Julian Matthews & Gil Hanly David Bateman Weekend
Creative Vegetable Gardening Joy Larkcom Mitchell Beazley, distributed by Reed. Paperback, 208 pages, 260 × 255mm, UK, 2004, first published 1997 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Cultivated Plants of the World — Trees, Shrubs & Climbers Don Ellison Hardback, 598 pages, 220 × 292mm, Flora Publications International Pty. Ltd., Australia, 1995 RNZIH
Cyclamen Christopher Grey-Wilson Hardback, 220 pages, 190 × 260mm, Batsford, USA, 1997, 2nd ed 2002 RNZIH
Dangerous Garden — The quest for plants to change our lives David Stuart Frances Lincoln, distributed by Bookwise. Hardback, 208 pages, 200 × 270mm, UK, 2004 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Decorations for the Garden — Simple ways to enhance your outdoor space Tessa Evelegh. Photography by Debbie Patterson Lorenz Books. Distributed by David Bateman. Paperback, 160 pages, 170 × 230mm, UK, 2002 Weekend
Deities in my Garden Fay Clayton GP Print, Wellington, New Zealand, 1996 RNZIH
Designing with Roses Tony Lord Distributed by Bookwise. Paperback, 192 pages, 260 × 260mm, UK, NZ, Australia, 1999 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Digging Deeper Paul Williams Reed Publishing NZOOM
Discovering Fruit & Nuts — A comprehensive guide to the cultivation, uses and health benefits of over 300 food-producing plants Susanna Lyle David Bateman. Hardback, 480 pages, 220 × 290mm, New Zealand, 2006 Weekend
Discovering Herbs Kay N. Sanecki No. 89 in the 'Discovering' Series. Shire Publications, UK, Fifth edition, 1993 RNZIH
Discovering the Folklore of Plants Margaret Baker Shire Publications, 1996 RNZIH
Dream Gardens — Find and Create Your Perfect Outdoor Space Edited by Makkie Mulder Conran Octopus, Reed Books. Hardback, 176 pages, 245 × 290mm, UK, 2001 Weekend
Eagle's Complete Trees and Shrubs of New Zealand Audrey Eagle Two hardback volumes, Vol. 1 544 pages, Vol. 2 592 pages, in slipcase, 230 x 280mm, NZ, 2006 RNZIH
Early Fruitgrowing in New Zealand Gerald Ward M. A. Published by the author RNZIH
Easy Gardening - Recipes for Successful Planting Miranda Beaufort and Jane Nicholas Published by Frances Lincoln Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Easy Orchids Mimi Luebbermann Chronicle Books. Distributed by Southern Publishers Group Weekend
Economic Native Plants in New Zealand S. G. Brooker, R. C. Cambie & R. C. Cooper Botany Division, DSIR, Christchurch, New Zealand. Paperback, 130 pages, 210 × 295mm, NZ, 1988 RNZIH
Encyclopedia of Hardy Plants — Annuals, bulbs, herbs, perennials, shrubs, trees, vegetables, fruits & nuts Derek Fell David Bateman. Hardback, 224 pages, 220 ×295mm, NZ, 2007 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Euphorbias — a Gardener's Guide Roger Turner, in Association with the Hardy Plant Society Batsford. Paperback, 192 pages, 155 × 235mm, UK, 1995 RNZIH
Faux Flowers Richard Kollath & Ed McCann Chronicle Books, distributed by Southern Publishers Group Weekend
Feijoas — Origins, Cultivation & Uses Grant Thorp & Rod Bieleski David Bateman. Paperback, 87 pages, 190 × 250mm, NZ, 2002 Weekend
Flora of New Zealand, Volume 4 — Naturalised pteridophytes, gymnosperms, dicotyledons C. J. Webb, W. R. Sykes, & P. J. Garnock-Jones Hardback, 1365 pages, 210 × 150mm, Botany Division, DSIR, Christchurch, New Zealand, 1988 RNZIH
Flora — The Gardener's Bible Chief NZ consultant: Rachel Vogan David Bateman Ltd Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Floral Gifts Jacky Hobbs, photos by Michelle Garrett Ryland, Peters & Small, distributed by Southern Publishing Group Weekend
Floranova Warwick Orme Hardback, 200 pages, 250 × 340mm, Random House, NZ, 2004 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Florascope — Discover Your Flower Sign Helen Brown Gentry, photographs by Sally Tagg David Bateman Ltd. Hardback, 103 pages, 180 × 200mm, NZ, 2003 Weekend
Florists' Flowers and Societies (SGH2) Ruth Duthie Shire Garden History Series RNZIH
Flower School Paula Pryke, photos by Sian Irvine Jacqui Small, distributed by Hachette. Hardback, 192 pages, 240 × 290mm, UK, 2006 Weekend
Flowering Plant Families of the World V.H. Heywood, R.K. Brummitt, A. Culham, and O. Seberg Kew Publishing, Kew. Hardback, 424 pages, 250 × 320mm, Canada, 2007.
ISBN 978-1-84246-165-5
Flowering Plants of New Zealand C. J. Webb, P. N. Johnson & W. R. Sykes Botany Institute, DSIR Land Resources, Private Bag, Christchurch. Hardback, 146 pages, 220 × 300mm, 1990. RNZIH
Flowers that Wow — Inspired arrangements for the floral-impaired — 70 dramatic, simple, and inexpensive projects
Jonathan Fong, photos by Jessica Boone Watson-Guptill, distributed by Bookwise Weekend
Foliage for the Contemporary New Zealand Garden Julian Matthews Godwit (Random House). 263 pages, 220 × 250mm, NZ, 2007 Weekend
French Garden Style Inès Heugel, Photographs by Christian Sarramon Hachette, Bookwise International. Hardback, 180 pages, 215 × 280mm, translated from French, UK, 2004 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
From Bud to Seed: Great Annuals Carol Sharp & Clare Foster Conran Octopus, distributed by Reed Publishing Weekend
Forest Vines to Snow Tussocks — The Story of New Zealand Plants John Dawson Paperback, 264 pages, 180 × 235mm, Victoria University Press, New Zealand, 1993, first published 1988 RNZIH
Garden Australian House & Garden Distributed by SPG Weekend
Garden Basics Peter McHoy Lorenz Books, distributed by David Bateman Weekend
Garden Design Bible Tim Newbury Hamlyn, distributed by Bookwise International Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Garden Details — Accents, Ornaments and Finishing Touches For the Garden Warren Schultz & Carol Spier Metro Books. Hardback, 288 pages, 250 × 250mm, USA, 1998 Weekend
Garden — Garden designs to enhance your life Tony Murrell, photography by Karen Ellis Paperback, 143 pages, 230 × 260mm, Penguin, NZ, 2005 Weekend
Garden Pondlopaedia — A Complete Guide to Garden Ponds Graham Quick Distributed by Bookwise Weekend
Garden Plants for Central Otago Ralph Markby Paperback, 164 pages, 150 × 230mm, Longacre Press, NZ, 2005 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Garden Projects in a Weekend Ali Ward Hamlyn, distributed by Bookwise International Weekend
Garden Style Jerri Farris & Tim Himsel Creative Publishing, distributed by Bookwise International Weekend
Garden Techniques Matthew Wilson Harper Collins Weekend
Gardeners' Advice — All Your Questions Answered RHS Wisley Experts Dorling Kindersley, distributed by Penguin Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Gardenhome City Bonnie Trust Dahan Chronicle Books, distributed by Southern Publishers Group Weekend
Gardening in New Zealand Month by Month Dennis Greville Published by New Holland Weekend
Gardening with Camellias — A New Zealand Guide Jim Rolfe Godwit Press, Auckland, New Zealand. Paperback, 265 × 200mm, 176pp, colour photographs, 1992, 1994 RNZIH
Gardening with Hebes Chris and Valerie Wheeler Guild of Master Craftsman Publications, United Kingdom, 2002, ISBN 1 86108 2916, paperback, 149 pages 210 × 275 mm Hebe News & RNZIH
Gardening with Tulips Michael King Published by Frances Lincoln, distributed by Bookwise Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Gardens are for People Thomas D. Church, Grace Hall & Michael Laurie Paperback, 256 pages, 215 × 280mm, 3rd edition, UK & USA, 1995 RNZIH
Gardens by Design Noel Kingsbury Cameron House, distributed by Bookwise Weekend
Gardens by the Sea Barbara Segall Godwit. Hardback, 160 pages, 250 × 290mm, UK & NZ, 2002 Weekend

Gardens of Empire — Botanical Institutions of the Victorian British Empire

Donal P. McCracken

242 pages, Leicester University Press, London and Washington, 1997 RNZIH
Gardenwork Stephen Bradley Ryland, Peters & Small, distributed by Reed Weekend
Gentlemen in my Garden Fay Clayton GP Print, Wellington, New Zealand, 1996 RNZIH
Gertrude Jekyll — Essays on the Life of a Working Amateur Michael Tooley & Primrose Arnander 245 pages, Michaelmas Books, London, UK RNZIH
Gifts from the gardens of China Jane Kilpatrick Hardback, 288 pages. Frances Lincoln, London, 2007. ISBN-10: 071122630X, ISBN-13: 978-0711226302 RNZIH
Glorious Gardens of Ireland Melanie Eclare Distributed by Reed. Paperback, 16 pages, 240 × 280mm, UK, 2001 Weekend
Glorious Gifts from the Garden — Inspirational Projects From the Potting Shed Stephanie Donaldson, photography by Michelle Garrett Lorenz Books, distributed by David Bateman. Paperback, 160 pages, 170 × 230mm, 2002 Weekend
Grandiflora arrangements Saskia Havekes, photos by Gary Heery Lantern, distributed by Penguin Weekend
Great Containers Clare Matthews Distributed by Bookwise International Weekend
Great Gardens for Kids Clare Matthews, photography by Clive Nichols Hardback, 160 pages, 235 × 250mm, UK, 2002 Weekend
Great Gardens of New Zealand Derek Fell David Bateman Ltd. Hardback, 224 pages, 292 × 235mm, NZ, 2003 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Greer's Guidebook to Available Rhododendrons, Species and Hybrids Harold E. Greer Paperback & hardback, 226 pages, 280 × 215mm, 3rd edition, Offshoot Publications, USA, 1996 RNZIH
Growing Gardens for Free — A Plant Propagation Guide For New Zealand Geoff Bryant David Bateman Ltd. Paperback, 224 pages, 190 × 250mm, NZ, 2003 Weekend
Growing Potatoes — A Directory of Varieties and How to Cultivate Them Successfully Richard Bird & Alex Barker Lorenz Books. Distributed by David Bateman. Hardback, 64 pages, 210 × 240mm, 2002 Weekend
Guide to Species Irises — their Identification and Cultivation British Iris Society Cambridge University Press. Hardback, 371 pages, 155 × 235mm, UK, 1995, 1997 RNZIH
Guide to the Aloes of South Africa Ben-Erik van Wyk & Gideon Smith Hardback, 304 pages, 175 × 245mm, South Africa, 2003, first published 1996 RNZIH
Handbook for the Baffled Gardener Fay Clayton GP Print, Wellington, New Zealand, 1996 RNZIH
Handy Gardener — The complete pocket-sized garden manual   Harper Collins Weekend
Hebes, a guide to species, hybrids, and allied genera Lawrie Metcalf Timber Press Inc, The Haseltine Building, 133 SW Second Avenue, Suite 450, Portland, Oregon, USA, 2006, 260 pages, ISBN-13: 978-0- 88192-773-3, ISBN-10: 0-88192-773-2. Hebe News & RNZIH
Hebes and Parahebes Douglas Chalk 152 pages Hebe News & RNZIH
Hebes Here and There Graham Hutchins 320 pages Hebe News & RNZIH
Herbs — Their cultivation and usage John & Rosemary Hemphill Allen & Unwin Weekend
Horticultural Flora of south-eastern Australia. The identification of garden and cultivated plants. Volume 1: Ferns, Conifers and their allies Roger Spence University of New South Wales Press, Australia RNZIH
Hortus Veitchii James H. Veitch Hardback, 648 pages, 1906, reprinted 2006 by Caradoc Doy, Exeter, England. Limited to 1000 numbered copies. ISBN: 9780955351501, previous ISBN: 0955351502 RNZIH
Hostas Rosemary Barrett, photography by Derek Hughes David Bateman Ltd. Paperback, 143 pages, 190 × 255mm, NZ, 2004 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Hot Plants for Cool Climates Susan A Roth and Dennis Schrader Timber Press, distributed by Craig Potton Weekend
How Does Your Garden Grow? Great gardening for green-fingered kids Clare Matthews, photographs by Clive Nichols Hamlyn, distributed by Bookwise Weekend
How to be a Gardener — Secrets of Success — Book Two Alan Titchmarsh BBC, distributed by Reed Weekend
How to Garden   Hamlyn, distributed by Bookwise International Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
How to Grow More Vegetables John Jeavons Distributed by Southern Publishers Group. Paperback, 201 pages, 215 × 280mm, USA, 2002, first published 1974 Weekend
How to Propagate — Techniques and tips for over 1000 plants John Cushnie Kyle Cathie, distributed by New Holland Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Hydrangeas Glyn Church David Bateman. Paperback, 144 pages, 200 × 260mm, NZ, 2007 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
In Pursuit of Plants Philip Short UWA Press, distributed by Addenda Ltd. Hardback, 351 pages, 180 × 250mm, Australia, 2003 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
In My Garden Deborah Schenck Chronicle Books, distributed by SPG Weekend
In Search of Paradise — Great Gardens of the World Penelope Hobhouse Frances Lincoln, distributed by Bookwise. Hardback, 271 pages, 260 × 310mm, USA, 2006 Weekend
Inspiration from the Ellerslie Flower Show Neil Ross and Gil Hanly New Holland NZ. Paperback, 160 pages, 210 × 250mm, NZ, 2004 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Inspiration in the Garden Peter Sergel and Ian Baker Penguin. Hardback, 192 pages, 225 × 280mm, NZ, 2004 Weekend
International Register of Hebe Cultivars L. J. Metcalf 232 pages, ISBN 0-9597756-4-1 Hebe News & RNZIH
International Register of Hebe Cultivars L. J. Metcalf 232 pages, ISBN 0-9597756-4-1 RNZIH
Introducing Orchids Wilma and Brian Rittershausen Reed Publishing NZOOM
Irises — A New Zealand Gardener's Guide Pamela McGeorge & Alison Nicoll. Photographs by Russell McGeorge David Bateman. Paperback, 96 pages, 190 × 255mm, NZ, 2001 Weekend
Irises For New Zealand Gardens Karen Glasgow Godwit Press. Paperback, 104 pages, 180 × 250mm, NZ, 1996 RNZIH
Jane Packer's Flowers Jane Packer Conran Octopus, distributed by Reed Publishing Weekend
Kitchen Harvest — A Cook's Guide to Growing Organic Fruit, Vegetables and Herbs in Containers Susan Berry Frances Lincoln, distributed by Bookwise Weekend
Landscape Gardens by New Zealand's Top Designers Rose Thodey and Gil Hanly Paperback, 224 pages, 210 × 260mm, Random House, NZ, 2005 Weekend
Landscapes for Small Spaces — Japanese Courtyard Gardens Katsuhiko Mizuno Kodansha International, distributed by Reed. Hardback, 120 pages, 230 × 310mm, USA, 2002 Weekend
Late Summer Flowers Marina Christopher
Photos by Steven Wooster
Frances Lincoln, distributed by Bookwise Weekend
Led By The Nose — A garden of smells Jenny Joseph   NZOOM
Life is a Rainbow Suzanne Boult & Rebecca Ward   Weekend
Lilies Pamela McGeorge. Photography by Russell McGeorge Published by David Bateman. Paperback, 96 pages, 195 × 250mm, NZ, 2004 Weekend
Lilies Scott Appell FF Metro, distributed by Bookwise International. Hardback, 175 pages, 290 × 360mm, USA, 2002 Weekend
Living Colour Paula Pryke Distributed by Reed Books. Hardback, 160 pages, 245 × 290mm, UK, 2001 Weekend
Living the Good Life — how one family changed their world from their own backyard Linda Cockburn Hardie Grant, distributed by Southern Publishers Group. Paperback, 274 pages, 150 × 230mm, Australia, 2006 Weekend
London's Parks & Gardens Jill Billington. Photographs by Sandra Lousada Frances Lincoln, distributed by Bookwise International. Hardback, 236 pages, 270 × 270mm, UK, 2003 Weekend
Magnolias — A New Zealand Gardener's Guide Rosemary Barrett. Photographs by Derek Hughes David Bateman Ltd. Paperback, 95 pages, 190 × 250mm, NZ, 2002 Weekend
Managing Pests and Diseases — A Handbook For New Zealand Gardeners Rob Lucas Stiff paperback, 400 pages, 155 × 230mm, Craig Potton, NZ, 2005 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Maples Rosemary Barrett. Photographs by Derek Hughes David Bateman. Paperback, 96 pages, 190 × 255mm, NZ, 2004 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Marlborough Wines and Vines, Volume 1 Cynthia & Graham Brooks GP Print, Wellington, New Zealand, 1992 RNZIH
Meetings with Remarkable Trees Thomas Pakenham Distributed by Allen & Unwin. 2003 edition, hardback, 190 × 230mm Weekend
Miss Willmott of Warley Place — Her Life and her Gardens Audrey le Lievre Faber & Faber, London, 1980 RNZIH
More Papers from the Potting Shed — A new collection of unpredictable essays on gardens, gardeners and garden history Charles Elliott Frances Lincoln, distributed by Bookwise. Hardback, 192 pages, 140 × 210mm, UK, 2006 Weekend
My Garden, My Paradise — The Garden in New Zealand Literature Edited by Christina Stachurski, photos by Sally Mason Hazard Press. Hardback, 133 pages, 180 × 180mm, NZ, 2003 Weekend
Nancy Tichborne's Forget Me Not Journal Nancy Tichborne Hyndman House Weekend
Native Australian Plants — Horticulture and Uses Krystyna Johnson & Margaret Burchett University of NSW Press. Paperback, 335 pages, 180 × 240mm, Australia, 1996 RNZIH
Natural Gardening in Small Spaces Noel Kingsbury Frances Lincoln, distributed by Bookwise International. Hardback, 176 pages, 240 × 280mm, UK, 2003 Weekend
Natural History of Rangitoto Island Auckland Botanical Society (edited by Mike Wilcox) Auckland Botanical Society Inc.
Paperback, 192 pages, 185 × 250mm, NZ, 2007
New Container Style Adam Caplin Ryland, Peters & Small, distributed by Southern Publ Gp Weekend
New Shoots, Old Tips — As Heard on BBC Radio 4 Caroline Holmes Frances Lincoln, distributed by Bookwise International. Hardback, 208 pages, 140 × 210mm, UK, 2004 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
New Tree Biology Dictionary — Terms, Topics and Treatments For Trees and Their Problems and Proper Care Alex Shigo Paperback, 132 pages, 150 × 230mm, Shigo and Tree Associates, Durham, New Hampshire, USA, 1986 RNZIH
New Zealand Coast and Mountain Plants — Their Communities and Lifestyles John Dawson & Rob Lucas Paperback, 174 pages, 180 colour photos, Victoria University Press, New Zealand, 1996 RNZIH
New Zealand Garden in Style — Get the Look You Want Lynda Hallinan Random House. Paperback, 192 pages, 215 × 255mm, NZ, 2004 Weekend
New Zealand Gardens of Significance: Guidebook Edited by Gordon Collier Booklet, 64 pages, New Zealand, 2007 RNZIH
New Zealand Land of Trees — An Artist's Journey Ronald Cometti Paperback, 103 pages, 210 × 300mm, NZ, 2005 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
New Zealand Native Shrubs and Climbers John Smith-Dodsworth David Bateman Ltd., Auckland, New Zealand, 1991 RNZIH
New Zealand's Islands Pamela McGeorge with photographs by Russell McGeorge Paperback, 144 pages, 240 × 270mm, NZ, 2004 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
No-Dig Gardening Allen Gilbert Allen & Unwin NZOOM
No time to Garden Anne Swithinbank Frances Lincoln Ltd. Distributed by Bookwise International Weekend
Notes from a Non-gardener's Diary Lyndsay Meager & Don Chapple RNZFABS Weekend
Old-fashioned and David Austin Roses Barbara Lea Taylor. Photos by Juliet Nicholas David Bateman. Paperback, 96 pages, 190 × 250mm, NZ, 2004 Weekend
Orchids I. D. James David Bateman. Paperback, 96 pages, 190 × 250mm, NZ, 2001 Weekend
Orchids Care Manual Brian and Sara Rittershausen Hamlyn, NZ Weekend
Organic Bible — Successful Gardening the Natural Way Bob Flowerdew Kyle Cathie, distributed by Reed. Paperback, 224 pages, 230 × 275mm, UK, 2003, first published 1998 Weekend
Organic Gardening for the 21st Century — A complete guide to growing vegetables, fruits, herbs and flowers John Fedor
Photography by Steven Wooster
Frances Lincoln, distributed by Bookwise International. Hardback, 288 pages, 200 × 260mm, London & NZ, 2001 Weekend
Organic Vegetable Gardening Annette McFarlane ABC Books, distributed by Allen & Unwin Weekend
Oswald Blumhardt —
New Zealand Plant Pioneer
Catherine Ballard David Ling, distributed by David Bateman. Paperback, 119 pages, 185 × 240mm, NZ, 2006 Weekend
Oswald Blumhardt —
New Zealand Plant Pioneer
Catherine Ballard David Ling, distributed by David Bateman. Paperback, 119 pages, 185 × 240mm, NZ, 2006 RNZIH
Palms and Cycads — A complete guide to selecting, growing and propagating David Squire New Holland. Hardback, 160 pages, 220 × 290mm, UK, 2007 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Palms and Cycads beyond the Tropics Keith Boyer Paperback, 150 pages, 180 × 250mm, 133 colour photos, Palm and Cycad Societies of Australia, Milton, Queensland, Australia, 1992, reprinted 1999 RNZIH
Patio Jamie Durie Allen & Unwin Weekend
Patios Andi Clevely, photos by Steven Wooster Frances Lincoln, distributed by Bookwise Weekend
Pattern & Mosaic in the Garden Clare Matthews Hamlyn, distributed by Bookwise International. Hardback, 128 pages, 235 × 250mm, London, 2003 Weekend
Peaceful Gardens Stephanie Donaldson Ryland, Peters and Small, distributed by SPG Weekend
Peonies Pamela McGeorge Photography Russell McGeorge David Bateman. Paperback, 144 pages, 200 × 260mm, NZ, 2006 Weekend
Plant Heritage New Zealand
Te Whakapapa o nga Rakau
Interpreting the special features of
native plants
Tony Foster Penguin Books / Raupo Publishing (NZ) Ltd. Paperback, 207 pages, 210 × 260mm, New Zealand, 2008. ISBN 9780143009795 RNZIH
Plant Me Instead Auckland Regional Council Biosecurity Unit Auckland Regional Council Weekend
Plant Names: A guide to botanical nomenclature Roger Spencer, Rob Cross, and Peter Lumley CSIRO Publishing RNZIH
Plant — The ultimate visual reference to the plants and flowers of the world Janet Marinelli Hardback, 512 pages, 260 × 310mm, UK, 2004 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Plant — Open your eyes to a world of discovery Eye Wonder series Penguin Books Weekend
Plant Partners — Creative plant combinations Anna Pavord Hardback, 238 pages, 220 × 285mm, UK, 2001 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Plant Pruning A to Z — A New Zealand guide Jon Muller Paperback, 160 pages, 190 × 255mm, NZ, 2004 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Planting for Birds, Bees & Farm Stock Jan Conning RD 6, Tauranga. Paperback, 102 pages, 150 × 210mm, NZ, 2001 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Plants for Free Andrew Maloy Paperback, 136 pages, 180 × 240mm, Shoal Bay Press, Auckland, New Zealand, 1992 RNZIH
Plants for Shade Philip Clayton Harper Collins Weekend
Poems for Gardeners Germaine Greer Virago Press, Penguin. Hardback, 250 pages, 140 × 1995mm, UK, 2003 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Pohutukawa & Rata — New Zealand's Iron-hearted Trees Philip Simpson Hardback & Paperback, 346 pages, 240 × 290mm, Te Papa Press, NZ, 2005 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Pop Bonsai Lisa Tajima Distributed by Bookwise International Weekend
Projects for Small Gardens Richard Bird & George Carter Distributed by Reed Weekend
Propagation Basics Steven Bradley Hamlyn, distributed by Bookwise International Weekend
Pruning Handbook Fiona Hopes Hachette, distributed by Bookwise Weekend
Quick and Easy Topiary and Green Sculpture Jenny Hendy Penguin. Paperback, 128 pages, 225 × 225mm, USA, 1996 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Rangitikei Houses and Gardens Joyce Soler Published by the author. Paperback, 46 pages, 300 × 210mm, NZ, 2002 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Rawiri Taiwhanga — A Great Maori Pioneer Ken Nobbs Available from K. Nobbs, 5 Homestead Rise, Aparangi, Te Kauwhata RNZIH
Recycle! Moira & Nicholas Hankinson Kyle Cathie, distributed by New Holland Weekend
Recycle Your Garden — The Essential Guide to Composting Tim Marshall Allen & Unwin. Paperback, 112 pages, 190 ×250mm, Australia, 2003 NZOOM
Remarkable Trees of the World Thomas Pakenham Distributed by Allen & Unwin. 2003 edition, 190 × 230mm Weekend
Restored Period Gardens — Middle Ages to Georgian Times John Harvey Shire Publications Ltd, Princes Risborough, UK, 1993. Shire Garden History Series No. 1, 2nd edition RNZIH
Restoring Period Gardens (SGH 1) John Harvey Shire Garden History Series RNZIH
RHS Encyclopedia of Gardening Edited by Christopher Brickell Dorling Kindersley, distributed by Penguin. Hardback, 751 pages, 235 × 295mm, UK, 2002 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
RHS Essential Garden Planning & Construction Edited by Christopher Brickell and Deborah Parker Mitchell Beazley, distributed by Hachette. Stiff paperback, 230 pages, 195 × 240mm, UK, 2006 Weekend
RHS Index of Garden Plants Mark Griffiths Hardback, 850 pages, Macmillan, 1995 RNZIH
RHS Propagating Plants — The definitive practical guide to propagating over 1,500 garden plants Editor in Chief Alan Toogood Dorling Kindersely, distributed by Penguin. Paperback, 320 pages, 195 × 265mm, UK, 2006, first published in hardback 1999 Weekend
RHS Pruning & Training — The definitive practical guide to pruning trees, shrubs, roses and climbers Christopher Brickell & David Joyce Dorling Kindersely, distributed by Penguin. Paperback, 336 pages, 195 × 265mm, UK, 2006, first published in hardback 1996 Weekend
Ribbon Artistry Creative Publishing Distributed by Bookwise International Weekend
Rosa Gallica Suzanne Verrier Paperback, 149 pages, 250 × 190mm, Florigium, Australia, 1995 RNZIH
Roses Amanda Beales Hamlyn, distributed by Hachette Weekend
Roses — A Celebration — Thirty-three Eminent Gardeners on Their Favorite Rose Edited by Wayne Winterrowd. Original Paintings by Pamela Stagg Frances Lincoln, distributed by Bookwise International. Hardback, 261 pages, 195 × 245mm, UK, 2003 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Roses for the Smaller Garden Mark Mattock Quadrille, distributed by Reed Weekend
Roses Made Easy Olivier de Vleeschouwer Photography Caroline Mayer / Gilles Le Scanff Hachette Illustrated, distributed by Bookwise Weekend
Roses Revealed — Find your perfect roses Dermot O’Neill Kyle Cathie, distributed by New Holland Weekend
Secret Techniques of Bonsai Masakuni Kawasumi II and Masakuni Kawasumi III Kodasha, distributed by Bookwise Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Secrets and Tips from Yesterday’s Gardeners   Reader’s Digest, distributed by Bookwise Weekend
Seeds Jekka McVicar Distributed by Reed Weekend
Sharp Gardening Christopher Holliday
Photographs by Jerry Harpur
Hardback, 192 pages, 200 × 250mm, Frances Lincoln, USA, 2005 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Simple Chic Flowers Jane Durbridge and Antonia Swinson Ryland, Peters and Small, distributed by Southern Publishers Weekend
Small Gardens for modern living   Hamlyn, distributed by Bookwise Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Small-leaved Shrubs of New Zealand Hugh Wilson & Tim Galloway Hardback, 305 pages, 150mm, Manuka Press, Christchurch, New Zealand, 1993 RNZIH
Small Patios — Simple Projects, Contemporary Designs Hazel White. Photography by Saxon Holt Chronicle Books, distributed by SPG. Paperback, 120 pages, 210 × 230mm, USA, 2001 Weekend
Small Space Gardens David Stevens Conrad Octopus, distributed by Reed. Hardback, 192 pages, 250 × 290mm, UK, 2003 Weekend
Small Space Gardens David Stevens Conran Octopus, distributed by Hachette Weekend
Small Town Gardens Rachel de Thame BBC, distributed by Reed Books. Hardback, 128 pages, 205 × 280mm, UK, 2001 Weekend
Sniff, Swirl & Slurp Max Allen. Photography by Adrian Lander Hardie Grant Books Weekend
Spaces for Silence Alen MacWeeney & Caro Ness Tuttle, distributed by Southern Publishers Group Weekend
STEM — A Standard Tree Evaluation Method Ron Flook Published by Ron Flook, Nelson, New Zealand. Spiral bound, limp cover, 75 pages, black & white photos, 290 × 300mm, 1996 RNZIH
Stone, Rock & Gravel — Natural Features for Modern Gardens Kathryn Bradley-Hole Distributed by Hodder Moa Beckett. Paperback, 160 pages, 230 × 280mm, UK, 2000 Weekend
Subtropical and Dry Climate Plants — The Definitive Practical Guide Martyn Rix Cameron House, distributed by Bookwise. Hardback, 256 pages, 225 × 285mm, Australia, 2006 Weekend
Subtropical Plants for New Zealand Gardens Jacqueline Sparrow and Gil Hanly Godwit Gardening Guide. Paperback, 176 pages, 180 × 250mm, NZ, 2002 Weekend
Succulents for the Contemporary Garden Yvonne Cave Random House. Paperback, 176 pages, 220 × 250mm, NZ, 2002 Weekend
Succulents for the Garden Attila Kapitany & Rudolf Schulz Distributed by Greene Phoenix. Paperback, 95 pages, 185 × 250mm, Australia, 2000 Weekend
Supplement to Eagle's Complete Trees and Shrubs of New Zealand: Additional notes   Botanical Society of Otago, Dunedin Paperback, 114 pages, 205 × 290mm, NZ, 2006 RNZIH
More Succulents for the Garden Rudolf Schulz & Attila Kapitany Distributed by Greene Phoenix. Paperback, 95 pages, 185 × 250mm, Australia, 2001 Weekend
Sundials Australia Margaret Folkard & John Ward Spiral bound, 113 pages, A4 size, Sundials Australia, 1996, 2nd edition RNZIH
Sweet Days and Roses — An Anthology of Garden Writing Edited by Leslie Geddes-Brown Ryland, Peters & Small, distributed by SPG. Paperback, 160 pages, 195 × 195mm, UK, 2003 Weekend
The A-Z Plant Health Handbook for New Zealand Jon Muller David Bateman. Paperback, 158 pages, 150 × 210mm, NZ, 2002 Weekend
The Aromatherapy Garden — Growing and Using Scented Plants Julia Lawless Kyle Cathie, distributed by Reed. Hardback, 160 pages, 240 × 280mm, UK, 2001 Weekend
The Birds of Pukeiti David G Medway Zenith. Paperback, 112 pages, 150 × 210mm, NZ, 2006 Weekend
The Book of Garden Plans — Some 200 ready-made schemes to help you transform your garden Edited by Andrew Wilson Mitchell Beazley, distributed by Reed. Hardback, 256 pages, 225 × 290mm, UK, 2004 Weekend
The Brightest Jewel — A History of the National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin E. Charles Nelson & Eileen McCracken. Original watercolours by Wendy Walsh Boethius Press, Kilkenny, Ireland, 1987 RNZIH
The Collectors Garden — Designing with Extraordinary Plants Ken Druse Thames & Hudson. Paperback, 248 pages, 215 × 280mm, USA & UK, 2004, first published in hardback 1996 RNZIH
The Colourful New Zealand Garden Dennis Greville Hyndman House Weekend
The Commonsense Gardener Stefan Buczacki Frances Lincoln, distributed by Bookwise Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
The Complete Book of Bonsai — A practical guide to the art and cultivation of bonsai Harry Tomlinson Dorling Kindersley, distributed by Penguin Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
The Complete Book of Plant Propagation Various contributors including Jim Arbury, Richard Bird, Mike Honour, Clive Innes, Mike Salmon Mitchell Beazley. Paperback, 224 pages, 200 × 270mm, UK, 2004, first published in hardback 1997 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
The complete book of Plant Propagation Various contributors Mitchell Beazley, distributed by Hachette Weekend
The Complete Book of Vegetables, Herbs and Fruit   Cameron House, distributed by Bookwise International Weekend
The Complete Encyclopaedia of Garden Flowers — Choosing Plants, Handy Hints, Descriptions, Cultivation Requirements Rachel Vogan, Geoff & Kate Bryant David Bateman Ltd. Hardback, 703 pages, 195 × 260 × 50mm, NZ, 2003 Weekend
The Conservation of Historic Gardens in Europe Elisabeth Whittle   RNZIH
The Conservatory Book Peter Marston Cassell, distributed by Hodder Moa Beckett. Hardback, 160 pages, 240 × 300mm, UK, 2001 Weekend
The Cook's Herb Garden Mary Browne, Helen Leach & Nancy Tichborne Random House. Paperback, 192 pages, 200 × 250mm, NZ, 2001 Weekend
The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady Edith Holden Kudos, distributed by Bookwise Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
The Cultivation of New Zealand Plants Lawrie Metcalf Hardback, 260 pages, Godwit Press, Auckland, New Zealand, 1993 RNZIH
The Defined Garden Paul Bangay. Photos by Simon Griffiths Penguin Viking. Paperback, 143 pages, 240 × 330mm, 2004 Weekend
The Dry Garden — Gardening with Drought-tolerant Plants Jane Taylor Godwit Press, Auckland, New Zealand, 1993 RNZIH
The Edible Container Garden — Fresh food from tiny spaces Michael Guerra Paperback, 160 pages, 190 × 250mm, UK, 2000 Weekend
The English Garden Ursula Buchan, photos by Andrew Lawson Frances Lincoln Weekend
The English Landscape Garden (SGH3) Miles Hadfield Shire Garden History Series RNZIH
The English Rococo Garden Michael Symes 72 pages, Shire Garden History series, No. 5, 1991 RNZIH
The Enthusiasts Book of Gardening Latin — Proper Names & Terms Explained Michael Streeter Past Times, distributed by Bookwise. Hardback, 96 pages, 150 × 165mm, UK, 2003 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
The Essential Garden Design Workbook Rosemary Alexander Paperback, 270 pages, 200 × 250mm, Timber Press, UK & USA, 2004 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
The Garden at Larnach Castle: A New Zealand story Margaret Barker David Bateman, Auckland Hardback, 159 pages, 245 x 275mm, New Zealand, 2006 RNZIH
The Garden of Cosmic Speculation Charles Jencks Frances Lincoln, distributed by Bookwise International. Hardback, 256 pages, 260 × 305mm, UK, 2003 Weekend
The Garden Revival Expert — How to restore or change anything from a single shrub to your entire garden Dr D G Hessayons Transworld, distributed by Random House Weekend
The Garden Sourcebook — The Essential Guide to Planning, Planting and Garden Style Caroline Boisset Mitchell Beazley, distributed by Reed. Hardback, 360 pages, 210 × 280mm, UK, 2001, first published 1994 Weekend
The Gardener's Encyclopaedia of New Zealand Native Plants Valda Paddison. Photographs by Yvonne Cave Godwit, distributed by Random House New Zealand. Hardback, 320pages, 283 × 213mm, NZ, 2nd ed, 2002 Weekend
The Gardener's Guide to Growing Hostas Diana Grenfell Hardback, 160 pages, 190 × 230mm, Florilegium Press, 1996 RNZIH
The Gardener's Guide To Growing Fritillaries Kevin Pratt & Michael Jefferson-Brown Hardback, 160 pages, 190 × 250mm, David Charles (UK) and Florilegium (Australia and NZ), 1997 RNZIH
The Gardener's Guide To Growing Irises Geoff Stebbings Hardback, 160 pages, 190 × 250mm, David & Charles, UK, 1997. Paperback, 2001. RNZIH
The Gardener's Guide To Growing Peonies Martin Page Hardback, 160 pages, 190 × 250mm, David & Charles, UK, 1997 RNZIH
The Gourmet Gardener Bob Flowerdew Hardback, 192 pages, 230 × 270mm, Reed, UK, 2005 Weekend
The Graham Stuart Thomas Rose Book Graham Stuart Thomas Hardback, 385 pages, 195 × 270mm, Frances Lincoln, UK, 2004, first published 1994 Weekend
The Great Sacred Forest of Tane: Te Wao Tapu Nui a Tane. A natural pre-history of Aotearoa New
Alan Clarke Reed Books. Hardback, 520 pages, 210 × 280mm, B&W photos; B&W illustrations, 2007, New Zealand, ISBN 9780790011530 RNZIH
The Green Thumbs Guide Keith Kirsten New Holland. Paperback, 103 pages, 160 × 190mm, NZ, 2003 Weekend
The House Plant Expert Book Two Dr D G Hessayon Expert Books, distributed by Random House Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
The Impatient Gardener Gay Search Quadrille, distributed by Reed Weekend
The Japanese Iris Currier McEwen University Press of New England, Hanover, New Hampshire, USA, 1990 RNZIH
The Know, Sow & Grow Kids' Book of Plants Diana Noonan & Keith Olsen Bridge Hill Weekend
The Language of Flowers Shane Connolly. Photography by Jan Baldwin Distribributed by Reed Books. Hardback, 160 pages, 230 × 270mm, UK, 2004 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
The Language of Flowers Catherine Lee Ryland, Peters & Small, distributed by Southern Publishers Group Weekend
The Miracle of Mulch Mary Horsfall New Holland. Paperback, 96 pages, 130 × 210mm, Australia, 2003 Weekend
The Naming of Names Anna Pavord Bloomsbury, distributed by Allen & Unwin Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
The Natural Gardener — The Way We All Want to Garden Val Bourne Distributed by Bookwise International.Hardback, 168 pages, 180 × 240mm, UK, 2004 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
The New Zealand Gardeners Journal   Hyndman House Weekend
The New Zealand Gardening Calendar Michael Crooks Reed Weekend
The New Zealand Pleasure Garden — Gardening for the Senses Beatrice Hale Longacre Press. Paperback, 160 pages, 210 × 150mm, NZ, 2004 Weekend
The Organic Salad Garden Joy Larkcom. Special photography by Roger Phillips Frances Lincoln Ltd, distributed by Bookwise International. Hardback, 168 pages, 230 × 230mm, UK, 2001 Weekend
The Origin of Plants — The People and Plants that have Shaped Britain's Garden History since the year 1,000 Maggi Campbell-Culver Hardback, 260 pages, 220 × 270mm, Headline Book Publishing, 2001 RNZIH
The Origin of Plants — The People and Plants that have Shaped Britain's Garden History Maggi Campbell-Culver Eden Prioect Books Weekend
The Ornamental Herb Garden Catherine Mason Distributed by Reed. Paperback, 96 pages, 230 × 240mm, UK, 1997 Weekend
The Outdoor Room Jamie Durie. Photography by Simon Kenny Allen & Unwin. Hardback, 202 pages, 230 × 290mm, Australia, 2003 Weekend
The Painted Garden — A Year in Words and Watercolours Mary Woodin Running Press, distributed by SPG. Hardback, 185 × 210mm, USA, 2000 Weekend
The Plant Propagator’s Bible — A step-by-step guide to propagating every plant in your garden
Miranda Smith Cameron House, distributed by Bookwise International Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
The Pleasure Garden — An Illustrated History of British Gardening Anne Scott-James and Osbert Lancaster Frances Lincoln, distributed by Bookwise Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
The Pocket Tree & Shrub Expert Dr D. G. Hessayon Random House. Paperback, 126 pages, 95 × 195mm, 2001 Weekend
The Pocket Flower Expert Dr D. G. Hessayon Random House. Paperback, 126 pages, 95 × 195mm, 2001 Weekend
The Pocket Garden Troubles Expert Dr D. G. Hessayon Random House. Paperback, 126 pages, 95 × 195mm, 2001 Weekend
The Pocket Vegetable Expert Dr D. G. Hessayon Random House Weekend
The Potato Book Alan Romans Hardback, 128 pages, 180 × 240mm, Frances Lincoln, UK, 2005 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
The Propagation of New Zealand Native Plants Lawrie Metcalf Paperback, 86 pages, 175 × 250mm, Godwit Press, New Zealand, 1995 RNZIH
The Pruner's Bible — A step-by-step guide to pruning Steve Bradley Paperback, 224 pages, 190 × 250mm, UK, 2005 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
The Reed Field Guide to Exotic Trees in New Zealand — Broadleaves and Conifers Pam Salmon Reed. Hardback, 207 pages, 145 × 225mm, NZ, 2003 Weekend
The Renaissance Garden in Britain John Anthony 96 pages, Shire Garden History series, No. 4, 1991 RNZIH
The Rhododendron Growers Handbook for New Zealanders Margaret Tapley David Bateman Ltd., Auckland, New Zealand, 1991 RNZIH
The Rock Garden and Its Plants Graham Stuart Thomas Frances Lincoln, distributed by Bookwise Weekend
The Romantic Garden Graham Rose Frances Lincoln, distributed by Bookwise Weekend
The Rose   Metro Books Weekend
The Sea and the Soil Ralph Ballinger The Caxton Press, 2007 RNZIH
The Siberian Iris Currier McEwen Timber Press. Hardback, 206 pages, 180 × 260mm, USA, 1996 RNZIH
The Simple Guide to Growing Camellias James Young Paperback, 128 pages, 210 × 275mm, Australia, 2005 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
The Simple Guide to Growing Old-fashioned Roses James Young 4c, distributed by Southern Publishing Group. Paperback, 128 pages, 210 × 275mm, UK, 2005 Weekend
The Simple Guide to Growing Roses James Young 4c, distributed by Southern Publishing Group. Paperback, 96 pages, 190 × 245mm, Australia, 2003 Weekend
The Spirit of Bonsai Design — Combine the Power of Zen and Nature Chye Tan Cameron House, distributed by Bookwise International Weekend
The Story of the Dunedin Botanic Garden — New Zealand's First Eric Dunlop Published by the Friends of the Dunedin Botanic Garden Inc. Hardback, 284 pages, 220 × 260mm, NZ, 2003 Weekend
The Ultimate Book of Small Gardens Graham Rice Reed Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
The Unknown Gertrude Jekyll Edited by Martin Wood Francis Lincoln, distributed by Bookwise Weekend
The Unusual Life of Edna Walling Sara Hardy Paperback, 304 pages, 150 × 230mm, Australia, 2005 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Tips from the Old Gardeners Duncan Crosbie Past Times, distributed by Bookwise Weekend
Tiritiri Matangi — A Model of conservation Anne Rimmer Random House Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Tree Biology and Tree Care — A Photo Guide A. L. Shigo, Klause Vollbrecht and Niels Hvass SITAS, Denmark, 1987 RNZIH
Trees and Shrubs for Flowers Glyn Church. Photographs by Pat Greenfield David Bateman. Paperback, 160 pages, 235 × 295mm, NZ, 2002 Weekend
Trees and Shrubs for Fragrance Glyn Church. Photographs by Pat Greenfield David Bateman. Paperback, 160 pages, 240 × 290mm, NZ, 2002 Weekend
Trees and Shrubs for Foliage Glyn Church. Photographs by Pat Greenfield David Bateman. Paperback, 160 pages, 235 × 295mm, NZ, 2002 Weekend
Trees for the Small Garden Simon Toomer Hardback, 176 pages, 220 × 290mm, USA & UK, 2005 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Trees for Your Garden Allen Paterson Frances Lincoln, distributed by Bookwise International Weekend
Truly Tiny Gardens Thomasina Tarling Distributed by Reed Weekend
Tulip Liz Dobbs. Photography by Clay Perry Distributed by Reed. Hardback, 104 pages, 225 × 220mm, UK, 2002 Weekend
Ultimate guide to Yard and Garden Sheds John D Wagner Creative Homeowner, distributed by Bookwise Weekend
Ultimate Outdoor Kitchens — Inspirational designs and plans Michelle Kodis Gibbs Smith, distributed by Bookwise Weekend
Ultimate Topiaries — The Most Magnificent Horticultural Art Through The Years Elizabeth Buckley Courage Books, distributed by Southern Publishers Group Weekend
Urban Eden — Grow delicious fruit, vegetables and herbs in a really small space Adam and James Caplin Distributed by Reed Publishing Ltd. Paperback, 160 pages, 210 × 240mm, UK, 2004 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Vireyas for New Zealand Gardens John Kenyon & Jacqueline Walker Paperback, 95 pages, 180 × 250mm, New Zealand, 1999 RNZIH
Water Gardening — Water Lilies and Lotuses Perry D. Slocum & Peter Robinson, with Frances Perry Hardback, 321 pages, 220 × 285mm, Timber Press, USA, 1996 RNZIH
Water in the Garden Andi Clevely, photos by Steven Wooster Frances Lincoln, distributed by Bookwise. Hardback, 112 pages, 225 × 230mm, UK, 2006 Weekend
Weekends for Garden Lovers in New Zealand Dennis Greville New Holland. Paperback, 176 pages, 150 × 210mm, NZ, 2003 Weekend
Wellington's Heritage — Plants, Gardens and Landscape Winsome Shepherd Te Papa Press, New Zealand. Paperback, 256 pages, 210 × 295mm, 2000 RNZIH
Wild about Herbs Roger Tabor Reader's Digest, distributed by Bookwise International Weekend
Wild Flowers of New Zealand Owen Bishop with photographs by Nic Bishop Hodden and Stoughton, 1990 RNZIH
Wild Gardens Jenny Hendy Harper Collins Weekend
Wild Orchids of the Lower North Island: Field guide 2007 Peter de Lange, Jeremy Rolfe, Ian St George, and John Sawyer Department of Conservation, Wellington Conservancy, New Zealand. Paperback, 194 pages, 150 × 205 mm, NZ, 2007 NZJB & RNZIH
Wisterias — a Comprehensive Guide Peter Valder Hardback, 160 pages, 195 × 265mm, Florilegium Press, Australia, 1995 RNZIH
World Flowers — Inspiring floral creations from around the world Jane Packer, photos by Thomas Stewart Conran Octopus, distributed by Hachette Weekend
Yates Garden Guide Arthur Yates and Co 76th ed, Harper Collins. Paperback, 464 pages, 160 × 240mm, NZ, 2002 Weekend
Yates Garden Guide   77th ed, Harper Collins. Paperback, 480 pages, 160 × 240mm, NZ, 2007, first published 1895 Weekend
Gardener & RNZIH
Yates Roses — A practical guide to over 300 roses for Australia and New Zealand Roger Mann Harper Collins Publishing. Paperback, 464 pages, 160 × 240mm, NZ, 2002 Weekend

Also see:


  • These book reviews are reproduced from:

    • Issues of the Journal of the Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture (from 1981, under its various names)
    • The former Weekend Gardener magazine (from Issue 86, 2001 to Issue 230, 2007)
    • NZOOM Home and Garden (part of the former TVNZ website).
  • Views expressed are not necessarily those of the RNZIH.

  • Some of the titles may be out of print. Prices where mentioned are in NZ dollars and may be subject to change.

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Last updated: March 1, 2021