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CelebrationsBOOK REVIEWS

Stylish Food & Decorating Ideas

Jo Seagar and Fionna Hill
Random House

WHAT a fabulous idea - teaming the talents of well-known television cook Jo Seagar with the innovative style of Auckland floral designer Fionna Hill to create a book that looks as tasty as the recipes it features.

Celebrations has everything you need to create memorable meals for all those special occasions - from Valentine's Day to Easter. Some of the ideas are traditional, while others add a fun modern twist. But almost all are easily (or should that be easy-peasily?) achieved without having to spend a fortune.

Jo Seagar's friendly, give-it-a-go personality shines through with plenty of breezy tips to inspire, entertain and encourage beginners.

CelebrationsAs well as Jo's recipes, Fionna Hill provides detailed instructions to create (and care for) some breathtaking floral arrangements using fresh flowers, ribbons nuts, dried leaves and candles.

Celebrations also reveals what every keen floral decorator should have tucked away in their pantry for impromptu parties and celebrations. Many are items that can be gathered from the garden, such as conifer cones, fresh moss, stones, lichen-encrusted twigs and dried chillies.

Inspirational and gorgeously presented with lots of photographs, Celebrations is a truly beautiful book.

Weekend Gardener, Issue 89, December 28-January 16, 2002, Page 30

Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH

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