Farming & Gardening
New Zealand Biodynamic
Random House
BIODYNAMIC methods of
farming and gardening represent a sustainable way forward for farmers,
growers and home gardeners in New Zealand.
Biodynamic Perspectives
is a selection of writings that includes techniques, thought-provoking
ideas and advice from enthusiastic practitioners of biodynamic methods
of farming and gardening.
This hugely comprehensive
book's variety of topics will interest almost every reader, and
New Zealand farmers and growers will appreciate learning directly
from the experience of others.
Biodynamics is a branch
of organic farming, meeting the ever-increasing demand for food
that is grown according to organic methods. Rudolf Steiner formulated
the principles of biodynamics and today his methods are hailed as
both practical and economically viable.
This book covers soils,
fertility and fertilizers, animal heath, trees, orchards, plant
pests and diseases, weeds and water. A number of experts contribute
to the chapters and the book has a substantial index.
Gardener, Issue 90, January 17-30, 2002, Page 26
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH