New Zealand
Dennis Greville
Hyndman House
GARDENING book needn't cost the earth to impart practical advice
and helpful ideas for New Zealand conditions, as shown by The
Colourful New Zealand Garden. This compact guide to using colour
in garden design includes an easily followed explanation of the
theory behind the colour wheel and the use of complementary and
contrasting combinations.
Divided into seasons,
it covers everything from spring bulbs to summer roses, autumn dahlias
and scented winter colour. There's even a guide to colourful goof-proof
plants, such as poppies, calendulas, nasturtiums and pelargoniums.
Author Dennis Greville
is a well-known garden photographer, writer and landscape designer
based in Christchurch.
Gardener, Issue 90, January 17-30, 2002, Page 26
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH