to Grow
More Vegetables
John Jeavons
Distributed by Southern Publishers Group
full title of this incredibly useful guide to vegetable gardening
is How to Grow More Vegetables* than you ever thought possible
on less land than you can imagine. Now up to its sixth edition,
it is not a book full of fancy pictures - indeed the illustrations
are all black and white drawings - but that only adds to its hands-on
The book is based on
biointensive gardening techniques developed in the 1970s and discusses
how to grow enough fresh vegetables to feed a family of four from
a plot easily accommodated in an ordinary suburban section. How
to Grow More Vegetables is authoritative and yet user-friendly,
covering an enormous wealth of topics from bed preparation to propagation
and companion planting.
Little wonder then that
this book is now published in seven different languages and is distributed
in 108 countries. It is an excellent reference guide for any gardener
interested in growing their own food using organic and sustainable
Gardener, Issue 91, January 31-February 13, 2002, Page 30
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH