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Decorations for the GardenBOOK REVIEWS

Decorations for the Garden
Simple ways to enhance your outdoor space

Tessa Evelegh
Lorenz Books
Distributed by David Bateman

Decorations for the GardenIF you like Xanthe White's garden arts and crafts column in Weekend Gardener, you'll love this book of ideas for bright garden decorations.

Decorations for the Garden includes step-by-step instructions for a host of artistic projects, including a handmade mosaic table, colourful containers, sculptures and paint effects for everything from decks to deckchairs.

There's also a fun pebble doormat using broken terracotta pots (and who doesn't have a few of those floating around the garden!) and a nifty idea for recycling old food cans by turning them into wall planters for flowering annuals.

Decorations for the GardenThe original ideas would suit most gardens, as they are just as suited to a small corner of a large garden as they are to an enclosed courtyard or townhouse backyard.

Decorations for the Garden is a good read too, with advice on how to go about incorporating all manner of design elements - such as walkways, arbours, furniture and pergolas - into your own garden. There are plenty of planting ideas dotted throughout the text to satisfy more experienced gardeners too.

Weekend Gardener, Issue 97, April 25-May 8, 2002, Page 28

Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH

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