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Glorious Gifts from the GardenBOOK REVIEWS

Glorious Gifts from the Garden
Inspirational Projects From the Potting Shed

Stephanie Donaldson
Photography by Michelle Garrett
Lorenz Books, distributed by David Bateman

MAKING gifts from natural materials gathered from your own backyard is one of the pleasures of gardening, and this charming book makes it easier than ever to find inspiration from flowers and foliage.

Glorious Gifts from the GardenMore than 50 original ideas are featured, from gardener's first aid kits to decorative wreaths, quaint nesting boxes, painted containers, decoupage seed boxes and garden furniture.

Clear, step-by-step photographs and brief but informative captions provide all the helpful hints and tips you need to get started.

Weekend Gardener, Issue 101, June 27-July 17, 2002, Page 28

Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH

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