Jamie Durie
Allen & Unwin
Durie is one of Australia's most popular landscape designers - thanks
to his high profile job as a presenter on Backyard Blitz (which
also screens on Prime in New Zealand). A former hunky Manpower stripper,
he also runs his own design company, Patio, which has a reputation
for creating stylish, innovative urban landscapes.
Jamie made his design
debut on this side of the Tasman at last year's Ellerslie Flower
Show, and he's coming back this year as well.
This glossy coffee table
book explains his design philosophy and is beautifully presented,
with clever ideas aplenty. Patio is informative and entertaining,
with flawless photography and useful hints for gardeners.
If you like modern landscape
design, you'll love this book.
Gardener, Issue 109, October 31-November 13, 2002, Page 28
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH