Scott Appell
FF Metro, distributed by Bookwise International
the book, is lavish. It's also large - huge, in fact, in format.
It's the first hefty coffee table book in the MetroBooks range,
which also includes the soon-to-be released Tulips and
The Rose.
Garden writer Scott Appell
is Director of Education for the New York horticultural society
and his brief introduction to this pictorial and poetic volume traces
the taxonomy of a plant that has captivated the human race since
at least 3500BC.
have endured for millennia and it appears they will continue to
seduce us for ever," he concludes.
The photography in this
book is, for the most part, magnificent, the definition of the flowers
holding up remarkably, considering the enormous pages. The colour
is a tribute to the Singapore printers who have managed to attain
a quality that the price belies.
verse on each illustration's facing page includes some gems, too.
Perhaps a favourite is from that old seer, William Blake:
"The modest rose
puts forth a thorn,
The humble sheep a threat'ning horn,
While the lilly white shall in love delight
Nor a thorn, nor a threat, stain her beauty bright."
For lily aficionados
this book is a must, and for gardeners generally, it is a joy to
pore over.
Gardener, Issue 111, November 28-December 11, 2002, Page 30
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH