Garden Guide
Arthur Yates and Co
Published by Harper Collins
IF there's a Kiwi gardening
bible, this is it. The pointer on the cover of the latest edition,
the 76th, shows the pedigree. Yates Garden Guide was first
published in 1895 and, in line with its continual updating over
more than a century, this latest release is completely revised.
It goes without saying
that the guide is comprehensive and informative, but the real key
to its popularity is that its content is so accessible. From propagating
to pests, Yates serves it up, generously ignoring the opportunity
to belabour the company's own range of garden products. Want to
know about kids gardening or five common plants that can become
infestations? It's all in here.
New to this edition is
a chapter on growing in difficult conditions, such as coastal gardens
or shady areas. There's also a new section on growing specialities
like bromeliads and ornamental grasses, as well as handy hints from
some of the country's leading gardeners and writers.
Gardener, Issue 111, November 28-December 11, 2002, Page 30
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH