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Plant me insteadBOOK REVIEWS

Plant me instead

Auckland Regional Council Biosecurity Unit

DO you want to eliminate plant pests from your garden - but you're not sure what to replace them with? Here's the answer. This extremely informative, 72-page booklet from the ARC Biosecurity Unit, in association with Environment Waikato, the Northland Regional Council and Environment Bay of Plenty covers dozens of plants with dubious habits, and offers attractive, non-invasive alternatives. It's one of the most practical guides WG has encountered - and best of all, you can get it by sending just $2, plus a stamped, self-addressed A5 envelope, to Plant Me Instead, c/o ARC Biosecurity Unit, Private Bag 92012, Auckland.

Weekend Gardener, Issue 112, December 12-29, 2002, Page 28

Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH

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