Gardens for Free
A Plant Propagation Guide For New Zealand
Geoff Bryant
David Bateman Ltd
$NZ39.95, $AUS31.95
WHY pay for plants when
it is easy to grow them for nothing? In Growing Gardens for
Free, more than 500 full colour photographs are used to illustrate
both practical step-by-step propagation techniques and the plants
There are also extensive
tables covering 1000 plants with information on which propagation
technique to use - raising from seed, taking cuttings, grafting
or division - including details of temperature requirements, time
to germination/strike, percentage strike rate and best time of year
to propagate. The invaluable information has been gleaned by the
author from more than 25 years as a propagator and hybridiser is
shared in the clear and concise text.
Geoff Bryant has a background
in horticulture, and worked in a nursery propagating and hybridising
popular ornamental shrubs. His special love is rhododendrons and
azaleas. More recently he has worked fulltime as a garden writer
and photographer, both on his own books and then the Botanica series.
Growing Gardens for
Free is a most comprehensive guide to general propagation and
highly recommended for gardeners wanting an essential garden reference.
Gardener, Issue 117, 2003, Page 30
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH