Days and Roses
An Anthology of Garden Writing
Edited by Leslie Geddes-Brown
Ryland, Peters & Small, distributed by SPG
$NZ29.95, $AUS27.50
THIS compact book is
an inspiring celebration of the joys of gardening. Witty and moving,
reflective and anecdotal, it brings together some of the best gardening
writing of the past five centuries.
The book is arranged
in four parts - Garden Glory, Designs and Scheme, Plant passions,
The gardeners - and the anthology includes insights from gardening
luminaries such as Gertrude Jekyll and Christopher Lloyd. These
are interspersed with reflections by a wide range of literary greats,
from Shakespeare to Edith Wharton and Frances Hodgson Burnett. Poems
by George Herbert, Robert Burns, Alfred Tennyson and Robert Frost
also feature.
Gardener, Issue 119, 2003, Page 30
Reproduced with permission from the former Weekend Gardener magazine. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the RNZIH